BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:3172alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Madrid:20220403T103000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/Madrid:20220403T235900 URL: SUMMARY:B·COM SIDE EVENT: THE MERGER CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:You must be registered in the main event to participate in this Side Event.\nWhat is it?\nImagine if Gagarin Deep Space was an NBN Identi ty. Or that Loup changed colours and wanted to finally make some profit fr om all those runs.\nIn The Merger\, you absolutely can\, for a price.\nTak e an ID\, choose a different faction to build from and pay the price to do so in influence numbers.\nRegistration\nPlease register in advance throug h this form.\nA minimum of 8 players will be required to follow through wi th the event.\nRules\nChoose an ID\, it changes faction\, you have to pay Influence points depending on which faction you change to:\nNBN to Weyland : Reduce the influence of your picked ID on 7 points\nNBN to HB: Reduce th e influence of your picked ID on 4 points\nNBN to Jinteki: Reduce the infl uence of your picked ID on 4 points\nWeyland to NBN: Reduce the influence of your picked ID on 7 points\nWeyland to HB: Reduce the influence of your picked ID on 4 points\nWeyland to Jinteki: Reduce the influence of your p icked ID on 6 points\nHB to NBN: Reduce the influence of your picked ID on 4 points\nHB to Weyland: Reduce the influence of your picked ID on 4 poin ts\nHB to Jinteki: Reduce the influence of your picked ID on 5 points\nJin teki to NBN: Reduce the influence of your picked ID on 4 points\nJinteki t o Weyland: Reduce the influence of your picked ID on 6 points\nJinteki to HB: Reduce the influence of your picked ID on 5 points\n\nCriminal to Shap er: Reduce the influence of your picked ID on 5 points\nCriminal to Anarch : Reduce the influence of your picked ID on 5 points\nShaper to Criminal: Reduce the influence of your picked ID on 5 points\nShaper to Anarch: Redu ce the influence of your picked ID on 5 points\n(Kit is exempt and does no t have to pay any influence)\nAnarch to Criminal: Reduce the influence of your picked ID on 5 points\nAnarch to Shaper: Reduce the influence of your picked ID on 5 points\nExample: NBN Making News is now purple\, meaning t hat you had to pay 4 influence. Your NBN Making News uses HB and NBN card s as their main and can spend a total of 11 influence points on cards from Weyland and Jinteki.\nKen Tenma is now an Anarch\, you spend 5 influence on the change and you can use 12 influence spare on Shaper cards\, while c ombining orange and blue freely.\nNeutral cards work as usual.\nMini-facti on IDs are not valid.\nPrizes\nAt the end of the tournament\, prizes from The Vault will be awarded based on tournament placement.\nTiming &\; Sc hedule\n4 Rounds of Swiss of 60 minutes each\, with up to 10 minute breaks .\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
You must be registered in the main event to participate in this Side Event.
\nImagine if Gagarin Deep Space was an NBN Identity. Or that Lo up changed colours and wanted to finally make some profit from all those r uns.
\nIn The Merger\, you absolutely can\, for a price.
\nTake an ID\, choose a different faction to build from and pay the pr ice to do so in influence numbers.
\nPlease register in advance through this form.
\nA minimum of 8 players will be req
uired to follow through with the event.
Choose an ID\, it changes faction\, you have to pay Influence point s depending on which faction you change to:
\nNBN to Weyland: Reduce the influence of your picked ID on 7 points\nNBN to HB: Reduce the influe nce of your picked ID on 4 points\nNBN to Jinteki: Reduce the influence of your picked ID on 4 points
\nWeyland to NBN: Reduce the influence o f your picked ID on 7 points\nWeyland to HB: Reduce the influence of your picked ID on 4 points\nWeyland to Jinteki: Reduce the influence of your pi cked ID on 6 points
\nHB to NBN: Reduce the influence of your picked ID on 4 points\nHB to Weyland: Reduce the influence of your picked ID on 4 points\nHB to Jinteki: Reduce the influence of your picked ID on 5 point s
\nJinteki to NBN: Reduce the influence of your picked ID on 4 poin ts\nJinteki to Weyland: Reduce the influence of your picked ID on 6 points \nJinteki to HB: Reduce the influence of your picked ID on 5 points
\n< hr />\nCriminal to Shaper: Reduce the influence of your picked ID on 5 points\nCriminal to Anarch: Reduce the influence of your picked ID on 5 po ints
\nShaper to Criminal: Reduce the influence of your picked ID on 5 points\nShaper to Anarch: Reduce the influence of your picked ID on 5 p oints\n(Kit is exempt and does not have to pay any influence)
\nAnar ch to Criminal: Reduce the influence of your picked ID on 5 points\nAnarch to Shaper: Reduce the influence of your picked ID on 5 points
\nExa mple: NBN Making News is now purple\, meaning that you had to pay 4 influe nce. Your NBN Making News uses HB and NBN cards as their main and can spe nd a total of 11 influence points on cards from Weyland and Jinteki.
\nKen Tenma is now an Anarch\, you spend 5 influence on the change and yo u can use 12 influence spare on Shaper cards\, while combining orange and blue freely.
\nNeutral cards work as usual.\nMini-faction IDs are no t valid.
\nAt the end of the tourn ament\, prizes from The Vault will be awarded based on tournament placemen t.
\n4 Rounds of S wiss of 60 minutes each\, with up to 10 minute breaks.