BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:3167alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20220210 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20220211 URL: a-startup-s05-e03 SUMMARY:Ogólnopolska Liga Netrunnera - Startup - S05 E03 CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Fifth season of the Polish Netrunner League will consist of 5 t ournaments in Startup format. I hope the smaller cardpool format will attr act both newcomers and veterans. Bring your friends and join us!\nWe'll be meeting every Thursday until February 27th at 20:00 CET on our Discord - Netrunner Polska and playing 3 rounds of Swiss.\nYou can find the current league standings here. The points awarded for each tournament are the sum of tournament points and tournament SoS. 4 best results count towards fina l league standings.\nHelpful links for new players:\nStartup format detail s\nDuring deckbuilding on NetrunnerDB select "\;Collection"\; and then "\;Startup"\;\nSeason 5 prizes:\nWinner: Adam promo set (ID\, 3x Logic Bomb\, 3x Emergent Creativity)\nTop new player: Kit playmat\nEve ry new player who participates in at least 2 tournaments: Reina\, Ken or S moke promo\n\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Fifth season of the Polish Netrunner League will consist of 5 tournaments in Startup format. I hope the smaller cardp ool format will attract both newcomers and veterans. Bring your friends an d join us!


We'll be meeting every Thursday until February 27th at 20:00 CET on our Discord - Netrunner Polska and playing 3 rounds of Swiss.


You can find the current league standings here. The points awarded for each tournament are th e sum of tournament points and tournament SoS. 4 best results count toward s final league standings.


Helpful links for new players:\nStartup format deta ils\nDuring deckbuilding on Netru nnerDB select "\;Collection"\; and then "\;Startup"\;< /p>\n

Season 5 prizes:\nWinner: Adam promo set (ID\, 3x Logic Bomb\, 3x Emergent Creativity)\nTop new player: Kit playmat\nEvery new player who pa rticipates in at least 2 tournaments: Reina\, Ken or Smoke promo


< img src=\"\" alt=\"Season 5 prize pool\" />