BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:3157alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20220219 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20220220 URL: t SUMMARY:February Startup Tournament CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:All times are EST (Start is 17 UTC)\nI'll be hosting another St artup Tournament\, again using single sided swiss to run the tournament. T his tournament is open to all\, but timed for NA-East Cost.\nThe event wil l be run out of Nisei Online Event Discord and the event will be in #onlin e-gnks-1\nThe plan is to do 6\, 35 minutes rounds with a 15 minute break a fter round 4 (around 3 pm) for a quick snack. If we get enough people (34+ ) we will do 8 rounds\, and extend the break by another 10 minutes.\nIf we hit ~30 people I'll run a top 4 cut\, or if the top four players want one .\nApologies to people who look tomorrow\, I'd clicked on the wrong date b ecause I'm used to American calendars which start on Sundays\, and am busy on 2/20\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

All times are EST (Start is 17 UTC)


I'll be hosting another Startup Tournament\, again using single sided s wiss to run the tournament. This tournament is open to all\, but timed for NA-East Cost.


The event will be run out of Nisei Online Event Discord and the event will be i n #online-gnks-1


The plan is to do 6\, 35 minutes rounds with a 15 minute break after round 4 (around 3 pm) for a quick snack. If we get eno ugh people (34+) we will do 8 rounds\, and extend the break by another 10 minutes.


If we hit ~30 people I'll run a top 4 cut\, or if the top four players want one.


Apologies to people who look tomorrow\, I' d clicked on the wrong date because I'm used to American calendars which s tart on Sundays\, and am busy on 2/20