BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:3148alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20220115 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20220116 URL: SUMMARY:Random Access Memories 3 CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Random Access Memories\n\nTL\;DR\nThe tournament will happen on the Project NISEI Discord server. Please join there for further announcem ents on the day.\nLive-streamed draw of the legal card pool: 8am UTC\nTour nament start: 2 hours later at 10 am UTC\nThe Tournament\nThis is the thir d official tournament in the Random Access Memories format\, with this bei ng more friendly to EU and APAC time zones. Subsequent tournaments will be shifting time zones to accomodate everyone equally. They are free for any one to enter (as there are no prizes apart from bragging rights).\nThe tou rnament starts at 8am UTC with a live-streamed draw on the Project NISEI T witch channel of the legal card pool (see below).\nAfterwards a 2-hour tim e period for deckbuilding starts. Registering your decks in under 45 minut es gives you a bonus of 3 prestige points before the first round of Swiss. \nThe tournament will consist of 3 or 4 rounds of double sided Swiss (depe nding on attendance)\, followed by a top 3 cut.\nTo join the tournament\, log into the Project NISEI Discord server for further announcements on the day.\nThe Format\nRandom Access Memories is a recurring format with a two week rotation. At the beginning of each two week period\, two large relea ses and 12 data packs will be randomly determined to form the card pool fo r the tournament and following two weeks.\nThe card pool consists of two l arge releases and 12 data packs drawn randomly. We will be excluding the p acks selected in the previous iteration of RAM from the eligible pool of s ets.\nFor further information on this process\, read the NISEI announcemen t article.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
The tournament will happen on the Project NISEI Discord server. Please join there for further announce ments on the day.\nLive-streamed draw of the legal card pool: 8am UTC\nTournament start: 2 hour s later at 10 am UTC< /p>\n
This is the third official tournament in the Random Access Memories format\, with this being more friendly to EU an d APAC time zones. Subsequent tournaments will be shifting time zones to a ccomodate everyone equally. They are free for anyone to enter (as there ar e no prizes apart from bragging rights).
\nThe tournament starts at 8am UTC with a live-s treamed draw on the Project NISEI Twitch channel of the legal card pool (see below).
\nAfte rwards a 2-hour time period for deckbuilding starts. Regi stering your decks in under 45 minutes gives you a bonus of 3 prestige points before the first round of Swiss.
\nThe tourname nt will consist of 3 or 4 rounds of double sided Swiss (d epending on attendance)\, followed by a top 3 cut.
\n< p>To join the tournament\, log into the Project NISEI Discord server for further announcements on the day .\nRandom Access Memories is a recurring forma t with a two week rotation. At the beginning of each two week period\, two large releases and 12 data packs will be randomly determined to form the card pool for the tournament and following two weeks.
\nThe card poo l consists of two large releases and 12 data packs drawn randomly. We will be excluding the packs selected in the previous iteration of RAM from the eligible pool of sets.
\nFor further information on this process\, read the NISEI announcement article.