BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:3142alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20220102 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20220103 URL: unofficial SUMMARY:Random Access Memories 2.1 (unofficial) CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:For detailed information\, please read the NISEI announcement a rticle. Below you will find a short summary of the important facts.\nThe t ournament will happen on the Project NISEI Discord server. Please join the re for further announcements on the day.\nThe Tournament\nThere will be a series of tournaments run in the Random Access Memories format. RAM2 is be ing held at APAC-friendly time. If that is viable for you then you should go and join in that. However\, if you can't\, then this is the Europe-frie ndly time version.\nThe event starts at 10am UTC with a live draw of the c ard pool (details TBC).\nOnce complete\, a 2-hour time period for deckbuil ding starts. Registering your decks in under 45 minutes gives you a bonus of 3 prestige points before the first round of Swiss.\nThe tournament will consist of 3 or 4 rounds of double sided Swiss (depending on attendance)\ , followed by a top 3 cut.\nTo join the tournament\, log into the Project NISEI Discord server for further announcements on the day.\nThe Format\nRa ndom Access Memories is a recurring format but with constantly differing c ard pools. At the beginning of each event\, two large releases and 12 data packs will be randomly determined to form the card pool for the tournamen t.\nFor further information on this process\, read the NISEI announcement article.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
For detailed information\, please read the NISEI announcement article. Below you will find a short summary of the imp ortant facts.
\nThe tournament will happen on the Project NISEI Disc ord server. Please join there for further announcements on the day.
\n< p>The Tournament\nThere will be a series of tournaments run in the Random Access Memories format. RAM2 is being held at APAC-friendly time. If that is viable for you then you should go and join in that. However\, if you ca n't\, then this is the Europe-friendly time version.\nThe event sta rts at 10am UTC with a live draw of the card pool (details TBC).
\nO nce complete\, a 2-hour time period for deckbuilding starts. Registering y our decks in under 45 minutes gives you a bonus of 3 prestige points befor e the first round of Swiss.
\nThe tournament will consist of 3 or 4 rounds of double sided Swiss (depending on attendance)\, followed by a top 3 cut.
\nTo join the tournament\, log into the Project NISEI Discor d server for further announcements on the day.
\nThe Format\nRandom Access Memories is a recurring format but with constantly differing card p ools. At the beginning of each event\, two large releases and 12 data pack s will be randomly determined to form the card pool for the tournament.
\nFor further information on this process\, read the NISEI announcemen t article.