BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:3139alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Stockholm:20220108T120000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/Stockholm:20220108T235900 URL: a-tournament LOCATION:Nobelvägen 145A\, 212 15 Malmö\, Sweden SUMMARY:Malmö Store Champs - The Hydra tournament CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:The time has finally come for a tournament!\nLots of prizes are up for grabs and the title of Malmö Store Champion \;)\nOrganizer: Finn Broman AKA Bridgeman\, Malmö Kortspelsförening\nYou can reach me via mai l:\nOr on Discord Bridgeman#7773\nFör info på sve nska kontakta Finn Broman\nVia mail:\nEller på Dis cord: Bridgeman#7773.\nLocation: Spelens Hus\, Malmö Nobelvägen 145A\nFo rmat: Standard with the latest SBL\, decklists are not required.\nIf unfam iliar with formats and banlists\, go to d-formats/ for more information :)\nOrganized play policies: https://nisei .net/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/Organized_Play_Policies.pdf\nComprehensive rules:\nEntry fee: 100kr\, can be pai d on site via swish or cash.\nSchedule: Will depend a bit on attendance.\n We will play 3-4 rounds of swiss.\nTime per swiss round will be 65 min\, w ith 5-10 minutes between rounds.\nThe tournament will at most have 12 play ers\, if you want to reserve a slot then reach out to me :)\nThe event is done in collaboration with Malmö Kortspelsförening and Spelens Hus and w ould not be possible without them.\nI´d like to ask all participants to s ign up to become a member of Malmö Kortspelsförening to support what the y are doing and help make future tournaments at Spelens Hus possible.\nUse this link to sign up:\nNOTE: No need to pay anything until the day of the tournament\, the membership wil l be covered by the entry fee!\nPeople without a swedish Personal number c annot become members and are exempt.\nMembers 25 or younger and citizens o f Malmö are extra appreciated as they help Malmö Kortspelsförening even more :)\nPlease register here or message me if you are going so that I ge t an idea of how many people are coming :)\nThe juicy prizes!\nAll partici pants: Playset of "\;Peace in our time"\; alt art\, Playset of &qu ot\;Falsified credentials"\; alt art\nTop 8: Playset of "\;Consult ing Visit"\; alt art\nTop 6: "\;DJ Fenris"\; Alt art\nTop 5: P layset of "\;Jailbreak"\; and "\;Send a Message"\; alt art s\nTop 4: Playset of "\;Dirty Laundry"\; alt art\nTop 3:Tao/Zahya and PD/BTL double sided alt arts\n2nd place: Hydra Playmat or Kabonesa WU Laser ID depending on 1st place choice\n1st place: The title of Malmö sto re champion AND the choice of Kabonesa WU laser ID or a Hydra Playmat! Wil l also receive an invite to a future invite only nisei event!\nLottery pri zes!\nPeople outside of the top 4 will have a chance to win a lottery priz e!\nThese prizes are:\n\nA Playset of daily quest and rezeki alt arts(Thre e available)\nA stunning enigma playmat!\n\nCant wait to see you all there !\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
The time has finally come for a tournament! \nLots of prizes are up for grabs and the title of Malmö Store Champion \ ;)
\nOrganizer: Finn Broman AKA Bridgeman\, Malmö Kortspelsförenin g\nYou can reach me via mail:\nOr on Discord Bridge man#7773
\nFör info på svenska kontakta Finn Broman\nVia mail: fin\nEller på Discord: Bridgeman#7773.
\nLocation: Spelens Hus\, Malmö Nobelvägen 145A
\nFormat: Standard with the la test SBL\, decklists are not required.\nIf unfamiliar with formats and ban lists\, go to for more inform ation :)
\nOrganized play policies: oads/2021/03/Organized_Play_Policies.pdf\nComprehensive rules: https://nis
\nEntry fee: 100kr\, can be paid on site vi a swish or cash.
\nSchedule: Will depend a bit on attendance.\nWe wi ll play 3-4 rounds of swiss.\nTime per swiss round will be 65 min\, with 5 -10 minutes between rounds.
\nThe tournament will at most have 12 pl ayers\, if you want to reserve a slot then reach out to me :)
\nThe event is done in collaboration with Malmö Kortspelsförening and Spelens Hus and would not be possible without them.\nI´d like to ask all particip ants to sign up to become a member of Malmö Kortspelsförening to support what they are doing and help make future tournaments at Spelens Hus possi ble.\nUse this link to sign up:\ nNOTE: No need to pay anything until the day of the tournament\, the membe rship will be covered by the entry fee!\nPeople without a swedish Personal number cannot become members and are exempt.\nMembers 25 or younger and c itizens of Malmö are extra appreciated as they help Malmö Kortspelsföre ning even more :)
\nPlease register here or message me if you are go ing so that I get an idea of how many people are coming :)
\nThe jui cy prizes!\nAll participants: Playset of "\;Peace in our time"\; a lt art\, Playset of "\;Falsified credentials"\; alt art\nTop 8: Pl ayset of "\;Consulting Visit"\; alt art\nTop 6: "\;DJ Fenris&q uot\; Alt art\nTop 5: Playset of "\;Jailbreak"\; and "\;Send a Message"\; alt arts\nTop 4: Playset of "\;Dirty Laundry"\; al t art\nTop 3:Tao/Zahya and PD/BTL double sided alt arts\n2nd place: Hydra Playmat or Kabonesa WU Laser ID depending on 1st place choice\n1st place: The title of Malmö store champion AND the choice of Kabonesa WU laser ID or a Hydra Playmat! Will also receive an invite to a future invite only ni sei event!
\nLottery prizes!\nPeople outside of the top 4 will have a chance to win a lottery prize!\nThese prizes are:
\nCant wait to see you all there!