BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:3136alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Brussels:20220206T180000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/Brussels:20220206T235900 URL: nt LOCATION:Rue de la Tribune 8\, 1000 Bruxelles\, Belgium SUMMARY:Gateway Beginners Tournament CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:See FB event:\nWith many new faces jo ining our community\, we want to organize a relaxed but exciting first tou rnament experience here in Brussels.\nAs the event is dedicated to new pla yers\, we'll only be using System Gateway pool of cards.\nSeasoned runners are welcome though!\nAs for prizes\, we would like to print the cards you need multiple times in your collection (Hedge Fund\, Sure Gamble\, Spin D octor\, etc.). More info about that and entry fee (low) coming later.\nOne deckbuilding rule for this tournament: Jinteki's upgrade "\;Anoetic V oid"\; is banned!\nThere are simply not strong enough tools on the Run ner side to deal with the annoying "\;Manegarm Skunkworks"\; + &qu ot\;Anoetic Void"\; combo and we want to foster Corp diversity too.\nF inally\, if you need help with deckbuilding\, here are some examples for t his format (with "\;Anoetic Void"\; ban):\nCriminal:\nhttps://netr\nAnarch:\nhttps://netrunnerdb. com/en/decklist/68346/loup-gateway\nShaper:\n cklist/68347/tao-gateway\nHB:\n ast-pd-gateway-\nNBN:\n ateway\nWeyland:\n way\nJinteki:\n \nSee y'all soon 😉\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

See FB event:


With many new faces joining our community\, we want to organize a rel axed but exciting first tournament experience here in Brussels.


As the event is dedicated to new players\, we'll only be using System Gatewa y pool of cards.\nSeasoned runners are welcome though!


As for priz es\, we would like to print the cards you need multiple times in your coll ection (Hedge Fund\, Sure Gamble\, Spin Doctor\, etc.). More info about th at and entry fee (low) coming later.


One deckbuilding rule for thi s tournament: Jinteki's upgrade "\;Anoetic Void"\; is banned!\nThe re are simply not strong enough tools on the Runner side to deal with the annoying "\;Manegarm Skunkworks"\; + "\;Anoetic Void"\; co mbo and we want to foster Corp diversity too.


Finally\, if you nee d help with deckbuilding\, here are some examples for this format (with &q uot\;Anoetic Void"\; ban):


Criminal:\n en/decklist/68345/zahya-gateway


Anarch:\n n/decklist/68346/loup-gateway


Shaper:\n decklist/68347/tao-gateway


HB:\n t/68348/fast-pd-gateway-


NBN:\n /68349/reality-gateway


Weyland:\n st/68350/tempo-btl-gateway


Jinteki:\n 8351/sweating-humanity-gateway


See y'all soon 😉