BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:3133alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Australia/Melbourne:20211211T100000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Australia/Melbourne:20211211T235900 URL: LOCATION:135 Arden St\, North Melbourne VIC 3051\, Australia SUMMARY:Startup Brunch-Runner CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Whether you're brand new to the game or a vintage runner from w ay back\, you're welcome to come by for some friendly games over coffee.\n \nLearn to play\, try out the Gateway decks\, and test your skills in casu al games. We'll be playing Startup Format: build your decks from Nisei's S ystem Gateway\, System Update\, Downfall and Uprising (or play ones we've prepared earlier).\nEntry and Prizes\n$5 donation keeps the promo cards co ming. If your circumstances don't allow it\, that's fine.\nIn addition to the Nisei Startup prize kit\, I'll add a playset of 0thmxma's Spin Doctor for every player over 4.\nSafety First\nAs always\, we will follow Covid-s afe settings. At the time of writing\, masks are needed in retail settings (when not eating or drinking).\nIf Covid developments prevent the event r unning in-store\, I will run the event online via the Melbourne Netrunner Discord and\nGet in touch\nYou can always get in touch with t he Melbourne Netrunner community on our Discord channel.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Whether you're brand new to the game or a v intage runner from way back\, you're welcome to come by for some friendly games over coffee.\n\"Image\"\nLearn to play\, try out the Gateway decks\, an d test your skills in casual games. We'll be playing Startup Format: build your decks from Nisei's System Gateway\, System Update\, Downfall and Upr ising (or play ones we've prepared earlier).


Entry and Prizes


$5 donation keeps the promo cards coming. If your circumstances don' t allow it\, that's fine.\nIn addition to the Nisei Startup prize kit\, I' ll add a playset of 0thmxma's Spin Doctor for every player ov er 4.


Safety First


As always\, we will follow Covid-safe settings. At the time of writing\, masks are needed in retail settings (when not eat ing or drinking).\nIf Covid developments prevent the event running in-stor e\, I will run the event online via the Melbourne Netrunner Discord and Ji


Get in touch


You can always get in touch with the Melbourne Netrunner community on our Discord channel.