BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:3132alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20220115 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20220116 URL: -throwback SUMMARY:New Year Old Cards - January Throwback CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:What is throwback?\nThrowback is a format which consists of the standard card pool\, except you may include one playset of a rotated card in both your runner and your corporation decks. This could be your Identi ty (ie The Foundry)\, up to a playset of cards (Between 1-3 copies of Para site)\, or it could be your rebirth or DJ Fenris target (ie rebirth or DJ Fenris into Noise).\nYou get one playset of rotated cards to choose for yo ur corporation\, and one playset of rotated cards to choose for your runne r\, for two playsets total.\nFor this tournament\, the latest Nisei Standa rd Banlist will be in effect. You may choose any rotated cards as your thr owback cards\, with the exception of cards that are either marked as banne d\, or allotted 3 points\, on the Nisei Eternal Points list. To see each o f these lists\, visit\nPrize s\nPrize support will include Toll-booth alt-arts for all participants\, A uthenticator alt-arts for top half\, and an exclusive Emergency Shutdown a lt-art for the top 4.\nAdditionally\, there is a playset each of Alexis Sp icer/themeanlady Alt-art Kyuban\, Ika\, and Chameleon to give away as spot prizes \, and all participants will receive a personalized letter thankin g them for their participation.\nDate and Location\nThe tournament will ta ke place online\, via the Nisei online event hub ( XK7Ta). The tournament will take place at 11:59 AM\, Noon\, NZDT (UTC +13 )\, on January the 15th\, 2022.\nAll are welcome.\nEntry Fee\n7.86 NZD\, v ia EventBrite: owback-tournament-tickets-233630995597\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

What is throwback?


Throwback is a format which consists of the standard card pool\, except you may include one playset of a rotated card in both your runner and you r corporation decks. This could be your Identity (ie The Foundry)\, up to a playset of cards (Between 1-3 copies of Parasite)\, or it could be your rebirth or DJ Fenris target (ie rebirth or DJ Fenris into Noise).


You get one playset of rotated cards to choose for your corporatio n\, and one playset of rotated cards to choose for your runner\, for two p laysets total.


For this tournament\, the latest Nisei Sta ndard Banlist will be in effect. You may choose any rotated cards as your throwback cards\, with the exception of cards that are either marked as ba nned\, or allotted 3 points\, on the Nisei Eternal Points list. To see eac h of these lists\, visit




Prize support will include Toll-booth alt-arts for a ll participants\, Authenticator alt-arts for top half\, and an exclusive E mergency Shutdown alt-art for the top 4.


Additionally\, there is a playset each of Alexis Spicer/themeanlady Alt-art Kyuban\, Ika\, and Chameleon to give away as spot prizes \, and all participants will re ceive a personalized letter thanking them for their participation.

\nDate and Location\n

The tournament will take place online\, via t he Nisei online event hub ( The tournament will take place at 11:59 AM\, Noon\, NZDT (UTC +13)\, on January the 15th\, 2022.


All are welcome.


Entry Fee


7.86 NZD\, via EventBrite: cards-january-throwback-tournament-tickets-233630995597