BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:3131alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Madrid:20220401T103000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/Madrid:20220403T235900 URL: LOCATION:Pg. de Sant Joan\, 11\, 08010 Barcelona\, Spain SUMMARY:B-COM 2022 CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Welcome to B·COM 2022!!!\nIt’s been two long and lonely year s\, but the sun is shining\, the air is cleaner and the birds are starting to sing… so it’s time to stay inside and run some nets!\nThere are ma ny reasons to come to B·COM: Barcelona in spring is beautiful and makes a great vacation spot\, it’s an in-person Netrunner event and we organise fun quizzes and outings… but the number one reason to come to B·COM is the community.\nWhat some have said about us:\n*****\nTHE most welcoming community in Netrunner!\npaulyg\n***** Winning the tournament was amazing but experiencing the whole event was priceless.\nLongi\n*****\nExtremely w elcoming and friendly people\, organisers and players alike\, a one of a k ind community event.\nDashakan\n*****\nB·COM a fan of this Netrunner even t in Barcelona! Muster the high concentration during matches and have the guts and heart for the funny mess in between.\nataraxis\nYou can keep up w ith news\, scoops\, memes and general meeting info on Slack channel #barce lona and/or Discord.\nCOVID SAFETY MEASURES\nWe are going to be thoroughly following our government regulations at the time\, and additionaly might ask for proof of vaccination\, COVID Passport or a negative PCR test done in the previous 72 hours at the entrance\, in case we feel is necessary t o maintain the safety and peace of mind of our organisers and attendees.\n Hydroalcoholic gel will be provided in the venue and encouraged to use in between matches.\nIn the off-chance that masks weren’t required at the t ime\, we will ask all participants to have one with them\, in case someone from the community feels more comfortable with their opponent or someone sitting next to them wearing the mask.\nAccommodating people’s needs\, c omfort and safety is a priority for us and we will be enforcing kindness a nd respect all over the place.\nSCHEDULE\nFriday 1st of April: Tag Team Ex travaganza\nSaturday 2nd of April: Tournament\nSunday 3rd of April: Top 8\ , Start-Up and The Merger Side Events\nTOURNAMENT\nThe tournament itself w ill be played in Standard format.\nPlease note that NISEI’s Borealis Boo ster Pack will be legal regardless.\nThere will be 5 or 6 Rounds of Swiss (depending on attendance) on Saturday and we will cut to a Top 8\, to be p layed on Sunday.\nUsually\, first rounds are randomly paired\, but what if you could choose who you want to face in that very important first game? Wonder no more! Throw a challenge to any player participating in the tourn ament. If there is more than one challenger or some of them overlap\, the organisation reserves all rights to select the best pairings to accommodat e everyone.\nYou can check the list of participants and throw your gauntle t here.\nREGISTRATION\nPlease register through this form before Saturday\, 2nd of April at 9:30AM.\nPRIZE SUPPORT\nB·COM Champion: The coveted B·C OM Trophy and bragging rights\nTop 4: Signed Jakuza’s art Prints\nTop 8: B·COM Exclusive Playmat TBA\nAll Participants: Set of Cards TBA\nLast Pl acement: Bye\nRaffles\, surprises and others to be expected.\nIf you're in terested in donating to the prize support\, please contact the organisers. \nTICKETS:\nThis includes entry for all 3 days: tournament\, as well as th e Tag Team and all side events.\nCareful Planning: 35€ (From February 19 th to 30th March)\nHot Pursuit: 40€ (During the tournament)\nDisclaimer: Due to this year’s uncertainties\, we are charging a bit more to make s ure we cover all expenses. That said\, we will offer to send back any mone y that we didn’t spend\, or you can choose to donate it to B·COM and it will be accumulated to make next year’s event even cooler.\nPaypal: bco\nPlease don't forget to include your name\, we still can't read minds!\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
It’s been two long and lonely years\, but the sun is shining\, the air is cleaner and the birds are starting to sing… so it’s time to stay inside and run some nets!
\nThere are many reasons to come to B·COM: Barcelona in spring is beautiful and makes a gr eat vacation spot\, it’s an in-person Netrunner event and we organise fu n quizzes and outings… but the number one reason to come to B·COM is th e community.
\nWhat some have said about us:
strong>\nTHE most welcoming community in Netrunner!\npaulyg\n
You can keep up with news\, scoops\, memes and general meeting info on Slack channel #barcelona and/or Discord.
\nWe are going to be thoroughly foll owing our government regulations at the time\, and addition aly might ask for proof of vaccination\, COVID Passport or a negative PCR test done in the previous 72 hours at the entrance\, in case we feel is ne cessary to maintain the safety and peace of mind of our organisers and att endees.
\nHydroalcoholic gel will be provided in the venue and encou raged to use in between matches.
\nIn the off-chance that masks were n’t required at the time\, we will ask all participants to have one with them\, in case someone from the community feels more comfortable with the ir opponent or someone sitting next to them wearing the mask.
\nFriday 1st of April: Tag Team Extravaganza
\nSaturday 2nd of April: Tou rnament
\nSunday 3rd of April: Top 8\, Start-Up and The Merger Side Events
\nThe tournament itself will be played in Standard format.
\nPlease note that NISEI’s Borealis Booster Pack will be legal regardless.
\nThere will be 5 or 6 Rounds of Swiss (depending on attendance) on Saturday and we will cut to a Top 8\, to be played on S unday.
\nUsually\, first rounds are randomly paired\, but what if yo u could choose who you want to face in that very important first game? Won der no more! Throw a challenge to any player participating in the tourname nt. If there is more than one challenger or some of them overlap\, the org anisation reserves all rights to select the best pairings to accommodate e veryone.
\nYou can check the list of participants and throw your gau ntlet here.
\nPlease register through this form before Saturday\, 2nd of April at 9:30A M.
\nB·COM Champion: The c oveted B·COM Trophy and bragging rights\nTop 4: Signed Jakuza’s art Pri nts\nTop 8: B·COM Exclusive Playmat TBA\nAll Participants: Set of Cards T BA\nLast Placement: Bye
\nRaffles\, surprises and others to be expec ted.
\nIf you're interested in donating to the prize support\, pleas e contact the organisers.
\nThis includes entry for all 3 days: tournament\, as well as the Tag Team a nd all side events.
\nCareful Planning: 35€ (From February 19th to 30th March)\nHot Pursuit: 40€ (During the tournament)
\nDisclaimer: Due to thi s year’s uncertainties\, we are charging a bit more to make sure we cove r all expenses. That said\, we will offer to send back any money that we d idn’t spend\, or you can choose to donate it to B·COM and it will be ac cumulated to make next year’s event even cooler.
\nPlease don't forget to include your name\, we still can't read minds!