BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:3129alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20211205T180000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20211205T235900 URL: SUMMARY:Berlin StartUp GNK CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Hi all :)\nFor those who did not want or couldn't play worlds w e are doing a StartUp GNK. (everyone else is ofc still welcome)\nWith curr ent Covid numbers we are doing an online event\, though it's still ment fo r our local meta and friends.\nFormat\nWe'll be playing start-up\, consist ing of System Gateway\, System Update and the Ashes Cycle.\nPrizes\nThere' ll be a big mix of things from our past events\, Archers and Earthrise Hot els from GNK 2019 Q4\, Jailbreaks\, Send a messages and IDs from the start up prize kit\, and maybe some other goodies \;)\nWe'll be picking prizes f rom the bottom up. (Last place picks first.)\nEntry fee\n0€ if it's your first event\, 2€ for everyone else.\nStructure\nI'll try to run Single- Sided Swiss\, meaning playing 5 rounds consisting of 1 game each. If the s oftware gods won't let us\, we'll switch to 3 rounds of Double-Sided Swiss .\nWe'll meet in the Berlin Netrunner Event Discord.\nI expect the event t o be over before 22:00.\nThanks for reading and hope to see you in a week :)\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Hi all :)


For those who did not wan t or couldn't play worlds we are doing a StartUp GNK. (everyone else is of c still welcome)\nWith current Covid numbers we are doing an online event\ , though it's still ment for our local meta and friends.



We'll be playing start-up\, consisting of System Gateway\, System Update and the Ashes Cycle.




There'll be a big mix of things from our past events\, Archers and Earthrise Hotels from GNK 20 19 Q4\, Jailbreaks\, Send a messages and IDs from the startup prize kit\, and maybe some other goodies \;)\nWe'll be picking prizes from the bottom up. (Last place picks first.)


Entry fee


0€ if it's you r first event\, 2€ for everyone else.




I'll t ry to run Single-Sided Swiss\, meaning playing 5 rounds consisting of 1 ga me each. If the software gods won't let us\, we'll switch to 3 rounds of D ouble-Sided Swiss.


We'll meet in the Berlin Netrunner Event Discor d.\nI expect the event to be over before 22:00.


Thanks for reading and hope to see you in a week :)