BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:3091alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20211106 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20211107 URL: SUMMARY:2021 Worlds Warmup - Jnet SC CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:REGISTRATION FORM:\nDECKLIS T SUBMISSION FORM:\nENTRY FEE: $10 AUD (Ten Australian Dollars) paid to\, or domestic ba nk transfer (BSB and acc number available via DM on Discord or Slack).\n šŸ — Please expand this box for the full information šŸ —\n\n2021 Worlds W armup\nRegistrations close 1 hour before the event begins. Late registrati on may be possible but are discouraged.\nGet ready for the largest online event of 2021! Not this event\, I'm talking about Worlds! The weekend of N ovember 20th will be this years World Championships\, so why not prepare a head of time with an online event. Scheduled two weeks before Worlds\, thi s event aims to be a place where you can de-rust if you haven't played onl ine in a while\, get used to the new meta thanks to SBL 21.10 shaking ever ything up\, and get back in the swing of the double sided swiss tourney fo rmat. Play your best decks\, take the best lines\, and do what it takes to win!\nPlayers from all regions are welcome and encouraged! Just ensure yo u check your timezones first. Should be readily accessible for all Oceanic regions plus West Coast USA.\nOfficial start time is 11:30am AEDT on Satu rday the 6th of November. Check what this is in your personal time zone by using this converter.\nDecklists will be required before Round 1 is paire d\, the decklist submission form is available at removed as event has conc luded. You may submit these as late as you like\, as long as it is before the tournament is due to begin.\nPlanned structure is a swiss into top cut \, depending on attendance numbers. The tourney will be run via an d Discord\, so make sure to join the official NISEI Online Event Hub serve r if you haven't already over at\nPrizes are 20 21 Store Championships prizes with an additional SDS Drone Deployment play mat awarded for first place!\nOnce postage has been paid\, the remaining e ntry fee profits will be donated to the Asylum Seeker Resource Centre\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

REGISTRATION FORM: B6\nDECKLIST SUBMISSION FORM:\n ENTRY FEE: $10 AUD (Ten Australian Dollars) paid to paypa\, or domestic bank transfer (BSB and acc numbe r available via DM on Discord or Slack).\nšŸ — Please expand this box for the full information šŸ —




2021 Worlds Warmup


Regist rations close 1 hour before the event begins. Late registration m ay be possible but are discouraged.


Get ready for the largest onli ne event of 2021! Not this event\, I'm talking about Worlds! The weekend o f November 20th will be this years World Championships\, so why not prepar e ahead of time with an online event. Scheduled two weeks before Worlds\, this event aims to be a place where you can de-rust if you haven't played online in a while\, get used to the new meta thanks to SBL 21.10 shaking e verything up\, and get back in the swing of the double sided swiss tourney format. Play your best decks\, take the best lines\, and do what it takes to win!


Players from all regions are welcome and encouraged! Just ensure you check your timezones first. Should be readily accessible for a ll Oceanic regions plus West Coast USA.


Official start time is 11:30am AEDT on Saturday the 6th of November. Check what thi s is in your personal time zone by using this conv erter.


Decklists will be required before Roun d 1 is paired\, the decklist submission form is available at removed as ev ent has concluded. You may submit these as late as you like\, as long as i t is before the tournament is due to begin.


Planned structure is a swiss into top cut\, depending on attendance numbers. The tourney will be run via and Discord\, so make s ure to join the official NISEI Online Event Hub server if you haven't alre ady over at adb


Prizes are 2021 Store Championships prize s with an additional SDS Drone Deployment playmat awarded for first place!


Once postage has been paid\, the remaining entry fee profits will be donated to the Asylu m Seeker Resource Centre