BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:3082alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20211119 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20211122 URL: 021 SUMMARY:NISEI World Championship 2021 CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:The World Championship will be occurring entirely online over t he 19th\, 20th and 21st of November 2021. As it has been the norm for the past two years\, play will occur via and communication via the Project NISEI Discord server.\nPlease see 021-schedule-and-prizes/ for ticket purchase and deck registration links!\ nThe schedule is as follows:\nDay 1A: Friday 19th November 2021\nThis day ’s schedule is better suited for those in Europe and Africa. Registratio n will close Thursday\, the 18th of November\, at 11:59pm UTC for both Day 1A and Day 1B.\nPlayer Meeting – 10:45am CET (UTC +1)\nRound 1 – 11:0 0am\nDay 1B: Saturday 20th November 2021\nThis day’s schedule is better suited for those in North and South America. Registration will close Thurs day\, the 18th of November\, at 11:59pm UTC for both Day 1A and Day 1B.\nP layer Meeting – 10:45am EST (UTC -5)\nRound 1 – 11:00am\nEach day of S wiss will be up to seven 65-minute rounds\, 10-minute break in between eac h round and a 45-minute break between rounds 4 and 5. We expect each Swiss to take about 9 hours\, so plan accordingly. Just like previous virtual e vents\, you will need to check-in via the Project NISEI Discord server bef ore the event begins\, as we will use it for all official communication ov er the weekend.\nYou will also need to fill out the registration form whic h will include your decklist. Once you submit a decklist it cannot be chan ged\, so please be careful. You may also indicate your preference for Day 1A or Day 1B (or both). We will do our best to honor everyone’s preferen ce while still maintaining balance in the number of players each day. If y ou have no preference\, we will assign you to whichever day has fewer play ers.\nThe registration form can be found here\, but it will not open until November the 2nd to give players time to adjust to the new Standard ban l ist. The registration will conclude Thursday the 18th at 11:59pm UTC to gi ve time to our admin team to register everyone. We will send everyone who has purchased a ticket an email 24 hours prior to the registration form cl osing and will also post on all our social media for those who haven’t b ought a ticket yet.\nDay 2: Sunday 21st November 2021\nPlayer Meeting – 1:00pm UTC\nTiebreaker round – 1:15 pm UTC\nCut starts – 2:00pm UTC\nT he final day is the culmination of the event with a single tiebreaker roun d (if required) followed by a cut to top 16. An announcement at the end of Day 1B will clarify who has qualified and those players will also be noti fied individually.\nAt the conclusion of the double elimination rounds\, N ISEI will host a short Prize Ceremony with the top players on the official stream.\nGood luck and have fun!\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
The World Championship will be occurring en tirely online over the 19th\, 20th and 21st of November 2021. As it has be en the norm for the past two years\, play will occur via and c ommunication via the Project NISEI Discord server.
\nPlease see ht tps:// for ticket purch ase and deck registration links!
\nThe schedule is as follo ws:
\nDay 1A: Friday 19th November 2021\nThis day’s schedule is be tter suited for those in Europe and Africa. Registration will close Thursd ay\, the 18th of November\, at 11:59pm UTC for both Day 1A and Day 1B.
\nPlayer Meeting – 10:45am CET (UTC +1)\nRound 1 – 11:00am
\nDay 1B: Saturday 20th November 2021\nThis day’s schedule is better suite d for those in North and South America. Registration will close Thursday\, the 18th of November\, at 11:59pm UTC for both Day 1A and Day 1B.
\nPlayer Meeting – 10:45am EST (UTC -5)\nRound 1 – 11:00am
\nEach day of Swiss will be up to seven 65-minute rounds\, 10-minute break in be tween each round and a 45-minute break between rounds 4 and 5. We expect e ach Swiss to take about 9 hours\, so plan accordingly. Just like previous virtual events\, you will need to check-in via the Project NISEI Discord s erver before the event begins\, as we will use it for all official communi cation over the weekend.
\nYou will also need to fill out the regist ration form which will include your decklist. Once you submit a decklist i t cannot be changed\, so please be careful. You may also indicate your pre ference for Day 1A or Day 1B (or both). We will do our best to honor every one’s preference while still maintaining balance in the number of player s each day. If you have no preference\, we will assign you to whichever da y has fewer players.
\nThe registration form can be found here\, but it will not open until November the 2nd to give players time to adjust to the new Standard ban list. The registration will conclude Thursday the 18 th at 11:59pm UTC to give time to our admin team to register everyone. We will send everyone who has purchased a ticket an email 24 hours prior to t he registration form closing and will also post on all our social media fo r those who haven’t bought a ticket yet.
\nDay 2: Sunday 21st Nove mber 2021\nPlayer Meeting – 1:00pm UTC\nTiebreaker round – 1:15 pm UTC \nCut starts – 2:00pm UTC
\nThe final day is the culmination of th e event with a single tiebreaker round (if required) followed by a cut to top 16. An announcement at the end of Day 1B will clarify who has qualifie d and those players will also be notified individually.
\nAt the con clusion of the double elimination rounds\, NISEI will host a short Prize C eremony with the top players on the official stream.
\nGood luck and have fun!