BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:3075alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20211106 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20211107 URL: magic-meeple LOCATION:3031 13th Ave S\, Fargo\, ND 58103\, USA SUMMARY:Fargo Netrunner night @ The Magic Meeple! CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:An event aimed at re-establishing some regular public Netrunner meetups in the Fargo area! $10 entry\, $5 for Magic Meeple members. Act ion starts at 2pm\, with door prizes of the 2021 Startup Prize Kit cards a nd a raffle draw for a Rezeki playmat at 5pm. Come with whatever jank you have from whatever era of Netrunner (or just yourself if you're new or go t rid of your old collection)\, play some games\, and make it known what k ind of action you'd like to see going forward\, whether it be Standard\, S tartup\, or Eternal format tournaments\, draft cube nights\, or just picku p games with other Netrunner players.\n-NEW PLAYERS ESPECIALLY WELCOME- if you've never played before\, System Gateway\, the new introductory Netrun ner product by NISEI\, will be here to try out. If you're pretty sure Net runner is something you'd like\, buy or print out System Gateway and bring it along (proxies are welcome at NISEI events).\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
An event aimed at re-establishing some regu lar public Netrunner meetups in the Fargo area! $10 entry\, $5 for Magic Meeple members. Action starts at 2pm\, with door prizes of the 2021 Start up Prize Kit cards and a raffle draw for a Rezeki playmat at 5pm. Come wi th whatever jank you have from whatever era of Netrunner (or just yourself if you're new or got rid of your old collection)\, play some games\, and make it known what kind of action you'd like to see going forward\, whethe r it be Standard\, Startup\, or Eternal format tournaments\, draft cube ni ghts\, or just pickup games with other Netrunner players.
\n-NEW PLA YERS ESPECIALLY WELCOME- if you've never played before\, System Gateway\, the new introductory Netrunner product by NISEI\, will be here to try out. If you're pretty sure Netrunner is something you'd like\, buy or print o ut System Gateway and bring it a long (proxies are welcome at NISEI events).