BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:3060alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20211009 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20211010 URL: SUMMARY:Mystery Box Standard CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Final Update\nOnce you're registered\, please make your way to the nisei events discord and head to #online-gnk-0 where we'll be organisi ng things. Once you're there\, the pairings will appear on cobra here.\nUP DATE 2\nPlease register here in advance of the tournament tomorrow - mostl y this is for Cobra setup and so I have a sense of numbers so I'm not hold ing you to the ids here\, if you submit then change your mind before the e vent just message me (Mike P on stimslack\, MikeP on the nisei events Disc ord) and I'll update you\nUPDATE\nThe draw has now happened - the full lis t of legal packs and cards can be found here and a vod of the draw with so me very uninsightful analysis here.\nHandy netrunnerDB search for all the legal runner cards\nHandy netrunnerDB search for all the legal corp cards\ nWorth noting\, power level errata is not in place so anything that has be en made unique by errata is still considered non-unique as printed here (t he /unique command on jnet fixes that)\, the MWL is also not in place so g o wild (aside from Hired Help and Watch The World Burn\, those can stay in non-existent purgatory).\n--original post--\n(Times given in UK time)\nSt andard's standard but the mystery box could be anything? It could even be standard! (Almost certainly not though)\nDo you want to play with some old cards but not worry about the format being obscenely powerful or entirely solved? Do you enjoy trawling through a new datapack trying to figure out exactly how everything fits together as quickly as possible? Then this is the format for you (maybe)!\nOn the evening of Wednesday the 6th of Octob er we're going to be doing a live draw to select 14 packs from Netrunner h istory\, the pool includes every data pack\, big box and all of the histor ical core sets. Those packs will then form the exclusive legal card pool f or this event with no MWL or Ban List. It could end up fairly sensible wit h a core set\, a couple of big boxes a sprinkling of data packs\, or we co uld have 14 data packs and no Sure Gamble. If one of the 7 main factions m anages to get 0 identities from the draft we'll randomly draft them a sing le one from their whole id pool so all factions are playable but other tha n that it's just the packs selected.\nFrom that point on the list of legal packs will be posted here\, along with a quick reference list of all the cards\, and you'll have 60 odd hours to build a pair of decks before we pl ay a for fun tournament on the Saturday. The pool could be awful\, it coul d be fun\, it could be the greatest meta we've ever seen\, but whatever ha ppens it's almost guaranteed to have something very weird in it\nThis is a n online event and everyone's welcome\, the draw will happen on Twitch (an d I will be streaming some games on there on the day)\, the actual games w ill happen on and any tournament management will happen on Dis cord. Links to the appropriate places for those will crop up here closer t o the time but it'll probably be at \, the tournament bracket will be on and any announcements will be s omewhere on the Nisei events discord \nIf anyone has any questions I'm Mike P on stimhack slack and happy to ch at\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
Final Update
\nOnce you're registered\, please make your way to the nisei events discord and head to #online-gnk-0 where we'll be organising things. Once you're there\, the pairings will a ppear on cobra here.
\nPlease register here in advance of the tournament tomorro w - mostly this is for Cobra setup and so I have a sense of numbers so I'm not holding you to the ids here\, if you submit then change your mind bef ore the event just message me (Mike P on stimslack\, MikeP on the nisei ev ents Discord) and I'll update you
\nThe draw has now happened - the full list of legal packs and cards can be found here and a vod of the dra w with some very uninsightful analysis here.
\nHandy netrunne rDB search for all the legal runner cards
\nHandy netrunnerDB search for all the legal corp cards
\nWo rth noting\, power level errata is not in place so anything that has been made unique by errata is still considered non-unique as printed here (the /unique command on jnet fixes that)\, the MWL is also not in place so go w ild (aside from Hired Help and Watch The World Burn\, those can stay in no n-existent purgatory).
\n--original post--
\n(Times given in U K time)
\nStandard's standard but the mystery box could be anything? It could even be standard! (Almost certainly not though)
\nDo you w ant to play with some old cards but not worry about the format being obsce nely powerful or entirely solved? Do you enjoy trawling through a new data pack trying to figure out exactly how everything fits together as quickly as possible? Then this is the format for you (maybe)!
\nOn the eveni ng of Wednesday the 6th of October we're going to be doing a live draw to select 14 packs from Netrunner history\, the pool includes every data pack \, big box and all of the historical core sets. Those packs will then form the exclusive legal card pool for this event with no MWL or Ban List. It could end up fairly sensible with a core set\, a couple of big boxes a spr inkling of data packs\, or we could have 14 data packs and no Sure Gamble. If one of the 7 main factions manages to get 0 identities from the draft we'll randomly draft them a single one from their whole id pool so all fac tions are playable but other than that it's just the packs selected.
\nFrom that point on the list of legal packs will be posted here\, along with a quick reference list of all the cards\, and you'll have 60 odd hour s to build a pair of decks before we play a for fun tournament on the Satu rday. The pool could be awful\, it could be fun\, it could be the greatest meta we've ever seen\, but whatever happens it's almost guaranteed to hav e something very weird in it
\nThis is an online event and everyone' s welcome\, the draw will happen on Twitch (and I will be streaming some g ames on there on the day)\, the actual games will happen on an d any tournament management will happen on Discord. Links to the appropria te places for those will crop up here closer to the time but it'll probabl y be at \, the tournament bracket will be on and any announcements will be somewhere on the Nisei events discord
\nIf anyone has any q uestions I'm Mike P on stimhack slack and happy to chat