BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:3047alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20210904 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20210905 URL: nament SUMMARY:NISEI Eternal Testing Tournament CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Testing on Eternal draws to a close. A lot of decks were tried —some proved to be too problematic even in this high-powered format. Tod ay\, I am announcing two things: a tournament and a new iteration on the l ist!\nWe’re organizing an online tournament under the new list on Saturd ay September 4th\, the day before the Intercontinental Championship. Ticke ts are free and there will be some prizes from the pool of previous prize kits:\n1st: Noise playmat\n1st – 4th: Noise\, Kate\, and Andromeda alt a rt\nEveryone: 3× Crowdfunding\nPlayer roll call will start at 3:30pm UTC. Tournament starts at 4pm UTC.\nRegister here!\nAnd without any further ad o\, here is version 2 of the Eternal banlist. After Salvaged Vanadis Armor y on the Runner side\, we’ve now also hit the most potent Corp combo car d in Accelerated Diagnostics\, which reliably set up kill combos in both N BN and HB. With access to the entire range of tech cards\, it is incredibl y resilient to even the strongest of Runner tech cards and a ban was neces sary.\nWe look forward to seeing you all next Saturday! We can’t wait to find out what decks you will manage to brew in this new and exciting evol ution of the Eternal format!\nRunner\n7 points to spend (for up to a full playset of each)\nBanned\n\nSalvaged Vanadis Armory\n\n3 Points\n\nAccount Siphon\nHyperdriver\nTemüjin Contract\n\n2 Points\n\nBlackmail\nClan Ven geance\nCrowdfunding\nData Leak Reversal\nDDoS\nEmployee Strike\nFalse Ech o\nMars for Martians\nŞifr\nTech Trader\n\n1 Point\n\nAaron Marrón\nAuma kua\nBloo Moose\nCounter Surveillance\nDéjà Vu\nFilm Critic\nRumor Mill\ nSnitch\nZer0\n\nCorp\n7 points to spend (for up to a full playset of each )\nBanned\n\nAccelerated Diagnostics\n\n3 Points\n\nJinteki: Potential Unl eashed\n\n2 Points\n\nBio-Ethics Association\nCerebral Imaging: Infinite F rontiers\nEstelle Moon\nFriends in High Places\nIndustrial Genomics: Growi ng Solutions\nJackson Howard\nMumbad City Hall\nMti Mwekundu: Life Improve d\nSensie Actors Union\n\n1 Point\n\n24/7 News Cycle\nAnoetic Void\nBreaki ng News\nBreached Dome\nCaprice Nisei\nKakugo\nScarcity of Resources\nShoc k!\nSpin Doctor\nSting!\nObokata Protocol\nProject Vacheron\nViolet Level Clearance\nWhampoa Reclamation\n\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Testing on Eternal draws to a close. A lot of decks were tried—some proved to be too problematic even in this high- powered format. Today\, I am announcing two things: a tournament and a new iteration on the list!


We’re organizing an online tournament un der the new list on Saturday September 4th\, the day before the Interconti nental Championship. Tickets are free and there will be some prizes from t he pool of previous prize kits:


1st: Noise playmat\n1st – 4th: N oise\, Kate\, and Andromeda alt art\nEveryone: 3× Crowdfunding


Pl ayer roll call will start at 3:30pm UTC. Tournament starts at 4pm UTC.


Register here!


And without any further ado\, here is version 2 of the Eternal banli st. After Salvaged Vanadis Armory on the Runner side\, we’ve now also hi t the most potent Corp combo card in Accelerated Diagnostics\, which relia bly set up kill combos in both NBN and HB. With access to the entire range of tech cards\, it is incredibly resilient to even the strongest of Runne r tech cards and a ban was necessary.


We look forward to seeing yo u all next Saturday! We can’t wait to find out what decks you will manag e to brew in this new and exciting evolution of the Eternal format!

\n< h2>Runner\n

7 points to spend (for up to a full playset of each )



\n \n

3 Points


2 Points


1 Point


Co rp


7 points to spend (for up to a full playset of each)< /p>\n



3 Points


2 Po ints


1 Point