BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:3044alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Amsterdam:20210919T133000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/Amsterdam:20210919T235900 URL: 1 LOCATION:James Wattstraat 73\, 1097 DL Amsterdam\, Netherlands SUMMARY:Amsterdam Store Champs 2021 CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:It's been a long time\, so let's play some irl Netrunner! We wi ll be using Nisei's 2021 SC kit.\nPracticalities:\n\n\nRegistration starts at 13.00\, round 1 starts at 13.30 sharp.\n\n\nThere will be 3 or 4 swiss rounds of 65 minutes\, with a possible top cut\, depending on the number of players.\n\n\nEntree fee is € 8 if you pay before the event\, € 10 on the day itself (cash or via bank app). If you want to pay beforehand\, wire the money to NL57 INGB 0689 9171 20\, attn David Nys. Don't forget to mention your name.\n\n\nAll decks have to be rotation and most recent ban list compliant. The most recent legal set will be Gateway.\n\n\nProxies ar e allowed\, as long as it is immediately clear which card it is. Written n otes in a sleeve will not be accepted.\n\n\nOutside drinks and food aren't allowed. The venue sells various drinks and food.\n\n\nDavid Nys will be your TO. If you have any questions\, feel free to email \n\n\nPrize support:\nParticipation: 3x Peace in Our Time\nTop 8: 3x Falsi fied Credentials\nTop 4: 3x Consulting Visit\nWinner: Invite to a future i nvite only event + 3x Dirty Laundry\nAdditional prize support:\nEveryone g ets to choose a playset or ID from past kits/fan arts. Players choose in o rder of their final placement\nCorona rules:\n\nIf you have symptoms\, ple ase don't attend! Stay home\, get tested.\nWash your hands often.\nDon't t ouch your opponent's cards or tokens unless you have their permission.\nIf the government changes the rules on gatherings\, we might have to postpon e.\n\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

It's been a long time\, so let's play some irl Netrunner! We will be using Nisei's 2021 SC kit.


Pract icalities:


Prize support:


Part icipation: 3x Peace in Our Time\nTop 8: 3x Falsified Credentials\nTop 4: 3 x Consulting Visit\nWinner: Invite to a future invite only event + 3x Dirt y Laundry


Additional prize support:


Every one gets to choose a playset or ID from past kits/fan arts. Players choose in order of their final placement


Corona rules:< /p>\n