BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:3042alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=America/Denver:20210925T114500 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=America/Denver:20210925T235900 URL: nament LOCATION:6831 W 120th Ave ste c\, Broomfield\, CO 80020\, USA SUMMARY:TEG Netrunner Startup Tournament CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:TEG Netrunner Startup Tournament\n\nNetrunner Makes its Triumph ant Return to the North Denver Area!\nThis will be a 'Startup' tournament\ , using the limited card pool of only the released NISEI cards from the fo llowing:\n•System Gateway\n•System Update 2021\n•Ashes Cycle\n•Dow nfall\n•Uprising\nThis is a casual event with the goal of bringing playe rs together to play the best asymmetrical card game ever made! Whether you are new\, an existing\, or returning player\, we welcome you regardless o f your skill level to join us for a fun time of scoring/stealing agendas ( or getting flatlined).\nNo deck list is required\, but if any deck is ille gal all matches played with it will result in game-loss. However\, proxies are legal\, and we will be extra lenient since some people are still awai ting their cards. If absolutely needed\, even hand-written proxies can be used legal\nas long as the opponent accepts them for use in the match-up ( prior to start of the match).\nTournament will be Swiss format using Cobra \, depending on numbers of players there will be 3-4 rounds with no cut pl anned. You may pre-register on ABR or by calling Total Escape Games (303) 482-1829.\nTHE BASICS\nEntry fee: $5\n(100% of collected fees will be retu rned as store-credit to players with a winning record)\nRegistration: 11:3 0 AM\nStart Time: 11:45 AM\nTournament Tier: Casual\nTournament Structure: Non-Sanctioned\nWHAT TO BRING\n\nA legal Corp deck and a legal Runner dec k – for legal cards and deck construction rules go to section 1.4 of the NISEI Comprehensive Rules and/or use Netrunnerdb.\nOpaque card sleeves fo r both decks are encouraged\, but not required unless using proxies or car ds that can be reasonably distinguished from the rest without looking at t he front.\nTokens to be used for the following: credit counters\, click co unters\, tag counters\, bad publicity counters\, brain damage counters\, a dvancement counters\, virus counters\, power counters\, agenda counters\, and condition counters. Please refer to section 1.9.5 of the NISEI Compreh ensive Rules.\nAdditional tournament information can be found here.\n\nNOT E: NISEI is not associated with\, produced by\, or endorsed by Fantasy Fli ght Games\, R. Talsorian Games\, or Wizards of the Coast.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
This will be a 'Startup' tournament\, using the limited c ard pool of only the released NISEI cards from the following:
\n•S ystem Gateway\n•System Update 2021\n•Ashes Cycle\n•Downfall\n•Upri sing
\nThis is a casual event with the goal of bringing players toge ther to play the best asymmetrical card game ever made! Whether you are ne w\, an existing\, or returning player\, we welcome you regardless of your skill level to join us for a fun time of scoring/stealing agendas (or gett ing flatlined).
\nNo deck list is required\, but if any deck is ille gal all matches played with it will result in game-loss. However\, proxies are legal\, and we will be extra lenient since some people are still awai ting their cards. If absolutely needed\, even hand-written proxies can be used legal\nas long as the opponent accepts them for use in the match-up ( prior to start of the match).
\nTournament will be Swiss format usin g Cobra\, depending on numbers of players ther e will be 3-4 rounds with no cut planned. You may pre-register on ABR or b y calling Total Escape Games (303) 482-1829.
\nTHE BASICS\nEntry fee: $5\n(100% of collected fees will be returned as store-c redit to players with a winning record)\nRegistration: 11:30 AM\nStart Tim e: 11:45 AM\nTournament Tier: Casual\nTournament Structure: Non-Sanctioned
\nNOTE: NISEI is not associated with\, produced by\, or endorsed by Fantasy Flight Games\, R. Talsorian Games\, or Wizard s of the Coast.