BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:3036alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20210827T180000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20210827T235900 URL: k LOCATION:Waldstraße 50\, 10551 Berlin\, Germany SUMMARY:7 to win - Berlin StartUp GNK CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Hi all :)\nI know I said the last one was the last one\, but ne trunner is just too fun to play.\nChanges to last time: As Covid is starti ng to pick up again\, everyone needs to bring a test regardless of vaccina tion status or past infections. There are breakthrough infections and I do n't wan't any of as being responsible for any infections. And currently th ey are still free \;)\nAlso bring a mask to get to our table.\nIf you're a new player and feel somewhat comfortable with the rules\, but don't know what to play\, E-Mail me and I can provide you with decklists and decks. I f you have time we can also talk through the decks beforehands or play som e games online.\nFormat\nWe'll be playing start-up\, consisting of System Gatewy\, System Update and the Ashes Cycle.\nPrizes\nThere'll be a big mix of things from our past events\, Archers and Earthrise Hotels from GNK 20 19 Q4\, Jailbreaks\, Send a messages and IDs from the startup prize kit\, and maybe some other goodies \;)\nWe'll be picking prizes from the bottom up. (Last place picks first.)\nEntry fee\nThere will be a flat 5€ for en try into the venue.\nAttendance otherwise is 2€ for everybody. (you have to bring 7€ in total)\nStructure\nWe will be playing 3 rounds of double -sided swiss á 65 minutes\, meaning you get to play both sides each round . The first round will start 18:00. My guess is\, that we'll finish betwee n 22:00 and 22:30.\nVenue\nIt's allowed to bring your own drinks and food. There're also drinks available at the venue. There is only a limited sele ction of food available\, but things can also be delivered to the place.\n See you friday \;)\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Hi all :)


I know I said the last on e was the last one\, but netrunner is just too fun to play.


Change s to last time: As Covid is starting to pick up again\, everyone needs to bring a test regardless of vaccination status or past inf ections. There are breakthrough infections and I don't wan't any of as bei ng responsible for any infections. And currently they are still free \;)\n Also bring a mask to get to our table.


If you're a new pla yer and feel somewhat comfortable with the rules\, but don't know what to play\, E-Mail me and I can provide you with decklists and decks. If you have time we can also talk through the decks beforehands or play so me games online.




We'll be playing start-up\, cons isting of System Gatewy\, System Update and the Ashes Cycle.


Priz es


There'll be a big mix of things from our past events\, Archers and Earthrise Hotels from GNK 2019 Q4\, Jailbreaks\, Send a messages and IDs from the startup prize kit\, and maybe some other goodies \;)\nWe'll b e picking prizes from the bottom up. (Last place picks first.)


En try fee


There will be a flat 5€ for entry into the venue.\nAtte ndance otherwise is 2€ for everybody. (you have to bring 7€ in total)< /p>\n



We will be playing 3 rounds of double-sided sw iss á 65 minutes\, meaning you get to play both sides each round. The fir st round will start 18:00. My guess is\, that we'll finish between 22:00 a nd 22:30.




It's allowed to bring your own drinks an d food. There're also drinks available at the venue. There is only a limit ed selection of food available\, but things can also be delivered to the p lace.


See you friday \;)