BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:3033alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20210816 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20210817 URL: nor-profit SUMMARY:GLC RetRunner 2 - Core to Honor & Profit CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Greetings fellow Netrunners!\nThis is the second set of RetRunn er tournaments--a series of tournaments where we play through historical m etas\, one round a week\, over four weeks! This first tournament will sta rt with the Original Core only\, and each subsequent tournament will add n ew cards in release order until we reach Data and Destiny!\nThis will be o ur second tour across these historical metas. Come join us for some old-s chool fun! And Account Siphons!\nAs this is our seventh round of fixtures\ , the cardpool will be:\n\nOriginal Core (x3)\nGenesis cycle\nCreation &am p\; Control\nSpin Cycle\nHonor &\; Profit\n\nIf you're planning to part icipate\, hop into the server if you haven't yet\, then PM me (wee bull#88 71) with your choice of corp ID and runner ID and I'll get you registered! Registration closes Sunday\, August 15th!\nHelpful links:\nGLC Discord Se rver\nRetrunner Card Pool\nABR results from last round\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Greetings fellow Netrunners!


This i s the second set of RetRunner tournaments--a series of tournaments where w e play through historical metas\, one round a week\, over four weeks! Thi s first tournament will start with the Original Core only\, and each subse quent tournament will add new cards in release order until we reach Data a nd Destiny!


This will be our second tour across these historical m etas. Come join us for some old-school fun! And Account Siphons!


As this is our seventh round of fixtures\, the cardpool will be:


Original Core (x3)\nGenesis cycle\nCreation &\; Control\nS pin Cycle\nHonor &\; Profit


If you're planning t o participate\, hop into the server if you haven't yet\, then PM me (wee b ull#8871) with your choice of corp ID and runner ID and I'll get you regis tered! Registration closes Sunday\, August 15th!


Helpful links:\n< a href=\"\">GLC Discord Server\nRetrunner Ca rd Pool\nABR results from last round