BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:3023alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20210726 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20210727 URL: -continentals SUMMARY:Swiss Sandbox Training for Continentals CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Swiss Sandbox Training for Continentals\nOnline\nFor the Swiss Netrunner Meta and friends\nOfficial start: 12:00 on Monday\, July 26th.\n Format: 3-4 Swiss rounds (weeks) depending on attendance numbers.\nIt take s place with at least 4 players (free for all)\n\nFormat\nThis Tournament will be Standard\, so consult the current Standard Ban List: Supported For mats on Nisei\nRegistration\nThis tournament is open for inexperienced and experienced player alike.\nIt is meant as a casual event to familiarize y ourself with the game\, get to know the Standard Format and also to get in touch with the community again. And having fun of course. And for those a bit more ambitious: get an idea what you want to play at Continentals.\n\ nRegistrations are open and close 2 hours before the event begins.\nThe pa irings for this event will be posted in the Swiss Discord Channel (Ask for an invite). Pairings are also found on\n\nRounds will be played a t a rate of 1 per week\, with pairings posted 12:00 each Monday\, starting July 26th.\nFind your opponent (on Discord or contact the TO)\nIf you hav e found your Opponent agree on a date and time and play your games (1 Corp \, 1 Runner). Report your scores (on Discord directly to TO) until the fol lowing Wednesday 10am\n\n\nDecklists\nnot required. Players are able to sw ap decks between rounds. This means you are able to play different decks / different ID’s entirely each round\, make minor tweaks but play mostly the same decks\, or play unchanged lists the whole way through. As for the deck changes\, you don't need to communicate them\, just use B.R.A.W.L:\n Be Reasonable And\, Well\, Legal\nOther information\nNO ENTRY FEE\nNO PRIZ ES:\nJUST FOR THE FUN OF IT\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
Online\nFor the Swiss Netrunner Meta and friends
\nOfficial s tart: 12:00 on Monday\, July 26th.\nFormat: 3-4 Swiss rounds (weeks) depen ding on attendance numbers.\nIt takes place with at least 4 players (free for all)
\nThis Tournament will be Standard \, so consult the current Standard Ban List: Supported Formats on Nisei
\nThis tournament is open for inexperienced and exper ienced player alike.\nIt is meant as a casual event to familiariz e yourself with the game\, get to know the Standard Format and also to get in touch with the community again. And having fun of course. And for thos e a bit more ambitious: get an idea what you want to play at Continentals.
\nnot required. Players are able to swap decks between roun ds. This means you are able to play different decks / different ID’s ent irely each round\, make minor tweaks but play mostly the same decks\, or p lay unchanged lists the whole way through. As for the deck changes\, you d on't need to communicate them\, just use B.R.A.W.L:
\nBe Reasonable And\, Well\, Legal