BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:3016alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20210716T183000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20210716T235900 URL: art-up-event LOCATION:Waldstraße 50\, 10551 Berlin\, Germany SUMMARY:Getting real - 6th Berlin Start Up Event CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Hi all :)\nfor the final event in our start-up series\, we'll be meeting irl again.\nIf you attended a previous event\, you know the dri ll:\na casual style tournament consisting of 3 rounds of doublesided swiss á 65 min.\nAs a startup event only Ashes\, System Gateway und System Upd ate 21 will be legal.\nEverybody is welcome to participate\, if you can ma ke it in time. If you don't have any cards or this is your first event\, p ls contact me and we'll figure something out.\nPrizes\nThere'll be a big m ix of things from our past events\, Archers and Earthrise Hotels from GNK 2019 Q4\, Jailbreaks\, Send a messages and IDs from the startup prize kit\ , and maybe some other goodies \;)\nEntry fee\nThere will be a flat 5€ f or entry into the venue.\nFor the event itself\, if it's your first NR eve nt\, participation will be free.\nIf you already paid for a Berlin Start-U p event and haven't played a 2nd time\, participation is free.\nOtherwise the entry fee is 3€.\nExample: I regularly play netrunner events\, just haven't participated in one of the Berlin start-up tournaments. Now that i n person events are possible again I want to get back to it. My entry fee would be 8€\, 5€ for the Brettspielplatz\, und 3€ for the event orga .\nYou'll need a covid test from the day off (or proof of full vacination) and a mask to get to our table.\nSee you friday \;)\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Hi all :)


for the final event in ou r start-up series\, we'll be meeting irl again.


If you attended a previous event\, you know the drill:\na casual style tournament consistin g of 3 rounds of doublesided swiss á 65 min.\nAs a startup event only Ash es\, System Gateway und System Update 21 will be legal.


Everybody is welcome to participate\, if you can make it in time. If you don't have any cards or this is your first event\, pls contact me and we'll figure so mething out.




There'll be a big mix of things from our past events\, Archers and Earthrise Hotels from GNK 2019 Q4\, Jailbre aks\, Send a messages and IDs from the startup prize kit\, and maybe some other goodies \;)


Entry fee


There will be a flat 5€ fo r entry into the venue.\nFor the event itself\, if it's your first NR even t\, participation will be free.\nIf you already paid for a Berlin Start-Up event and haven't played a 2nd time\, participation is free.\nOtherwise t he entry fee is 3€.


Example: I regularly play netrunner events\, just haven't participated in one of the Berlin start-up tournaments. Now that in person events are possible again I want to get back to it. My entr y fee would be 8€\, 5€ for the Brettspielplatz\, und 3€ for the even t orga.


You'll need a covid test from the day off (or proof of ful l vacination) and a mask to get to our table.
