BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:3013alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20210814 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20210816 URL: ntal-championship SUMMARY:NISEI: Asia-Pacific Continental Championship CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:\nThe 2021 Continentals will once again be held online\, and sp lit into three different events. As the events will feed into an Intercont inental Championship\, you may only play in one of the three events. Pleas e take that into consideration when buying your ticket.\nAll tickets are $ 15USD\, and the format for the events will be Standard. Number of rounds a nd depth of the cut will depend on the number of players for each event. T he events will use tiebreaker rounds at the end of the Swiss day to clean up the cut if needed.\nBuy tickets for the Asia-Pacific Continental\nRegis tration form (for all events)\nRegistration ends August 12th at 11:59pm AW ST\n\nAugust 14th: Swiss Rounds\n\nRegistration starts at 10am AWST (UTC + 8)\nRound 1 starts at 11am AWST\n\nAugust 15th: Top Cut\n\nPlayer roll cal l at 10am AWST (UTC +8)\nRound 1 starts at 10:30am AWST\n\nImportant Notes :\nDecklists will be required for these events. Deck registration forms ca n be found here.\nEach event’s registration will close at midnight on th e Thursday prior to the Swiss. Please note that we will not be taking late entries. We will however accept ticket changes in case you cannot attend your selected tournament.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:



The 2021 Continentals will once again be held online\, and split into three different events. As the events will feed in to an Intercontinental Championship\, you may only play in one of the thre e events. Please take that into consideration when buying your ticket.


All tickets are $15USD\, and the format for the events will be Standa rd. Number of rounds and depth of the cut will depend on the number of pla yers for each event. The events will use tiebreaker rounds at the end of t he Swiss day to clean up the cut if needed.


Buy tickets for the Asia-Pacific Continental< /h4>\n

Registration for m (for all events)


Registration ends August 12th at 1 1:59pm AWST

August 14th: Swiss Rounds
August 15th: Top Cut

Important Notes:< /strong>


Decklists will be required for these events. Deck regist ration forms can be found here.< /p>\n

Each event’s registration will close at midnight on the Thursday prior to the Swiss. Please note that we will not be taking late e ntries. We will however accept ticket changes in case you cannot attend your selected tournament.