BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:3010alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20210731 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20210801 URL: SUMMARY:Antarctic Continentals CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:PLEASE NOTE: This is not an official Continental Championship! I am not affiliated with NISEI.\nREGISTRATION FORM: removed as event has c oncluded.\nDECKLIST SUBMISSION FORM: removed as event has concluded.\nENTR Y FEE: $5 AUD (Five Australian Dollars) removed as event has concluded.\n šŸ — Please expand this box for the full information šŸ —\n\nAntarctic Con tinental Championships\nRegistrations close 1 hour before the event begins . Late registration may be possible but are discouraged.\nReal Continental s are right around the corner! What better way to warm up than cooling off at the very unofficial Antarctic Continentals! Battle it out for ultimate victory in the harshest continent on the planet. Seven countries claim An tarctic territory\, nations from all across the globe. Ascend to become th eir champion by topping the standings and rule over the icy south however you see fit! The eventual victor may absolutely use the title of Antarctic Continental Champion.\nPlayers from all regions are welcome and encourage d! Just ensure you check your timezones first.\nOfficial start time is 10a m AEST on Saturday the 31st of July. Check what this is in your personal t ime zone by using this converter.\nDecklists will be required before Round 1 is paired\, the decklist submission form is available at removed as eve nt has concluded. You may submit these as late as you like\, as long as it is before the tournament is due to begin.\nPlanned structure is a swiss i nto top cut\, depending on attendance numbers. The tourney will be run via and Discord\, so make sure to join the official NISEI Online Even t Hub server if you haven't already over at\nPr izes will be a mishmash from a Startup Prize Kit and some prizes kindly pr ovided by Inactivist\, including playmats for the top 4!\nOnce postage has been paid\, the remaining entry fee profits will be donated to the Asylum Seeker Resource Centre\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

PLEASE NOTE: This is not a n official Continental Championship! I am not affiliated with NISEI.\nREGISTRATION FORM: removed as event has concluded.\nD ECKLIST SUBMISSION FORM: removed as event has concluded.\nENTRY FEE: $5 AUD (Five Australian Dollars) removed as event has concluded.\nšŸ — Please expand this box for the full information šŸ —



\n< h1>Antarctic Continental Championships\n

Registrations clos e 1 hour before the event begins. Late registration may be possib le but are discouraged.


Real Continentals are right around the cor ner! What better way to warm up than cooling off at the very unofficial An tarctic Continentals! Battle it out for ultimate victory in the harshest c ontinent on the planet. Seven countries claim Antarctic territory\, nation s from all across the globe. Ascend to become their champion by topping th e standings and rule over the icy south however you see fit! The eventual victor may absolutely use the title of Antarctic Continental Champion.


Players from all regions are welcome and encouraged! Just ensure you check your timezones first.


Official start time is 10am AE ST on Saturday the 31st of July. Check what this is in your perso nal time zone by using this converter.


Decklists will be required before Round 1 is paired\, th e decklist submission form is available at removed as event has concluded. You may submit these as late as you like\, as long as it is before the to urnament is due to begin.


Planned structure is a swiss into top cu t\, depending on attendance numbers. The tourney will be run via c and Discord\, so make sure to join the of ficial NISEI Online Event Hub server if you haven't already over at


Prizes will be a mishmash from a Startup Prize Kit and some prizes kindly provided by Inactivist\, including playmats for the top 4!\ nOnce postage has been paid\, the remaining entry fee profits will be dona ted to the Asylum Seeker Resource Centre< /a>