BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:3002alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20210710 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20210711 URL: rnament-july SUMMARY:Online Monthly Startup Tournament - July CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Register Here by 11:45 am Day Of!\nAll times are EDT\nI'll be h osting another Startup Tournament\, again using single sided swiss to run the tournament. This tournament is open to all\, but timed for NA-East Cos t.\nThe event will be run out of Nisei Online Event Discord and the event will be in #online-gnks-1\nThe plan is to do 6\, 35 minutes rounds with a 15 minute break after round 4 (around 3 pm) for a quick snack. If we get e nough people (34+) we will do 8 rounds\, and extend the break by another 1 0 minutes.\nIf we hit ~30 people I'll run a top 4 cut\, or if the top four players want one.\nA Nisei startup prize kit will be distributed followin g normal rules. Additionally all participants will receive a playset of Su re Gambles by Lux. An optional donation can be made here via venmo. But no pressure!\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Register Here by 11:45 am Day Of!


All times are EDT\n

I'll be hosting another Startup Tournament\, again using single sid ed swiss to run the tournament. This tournament is open to all\, but timed for NA-East Cost.


The event will be run out of Nisei Online Event Discord and the event will be in #online-gnks-1


The plan is to do 6\, 35 minutes rounds with a 15 minute break after round 4 (around 3 pm) for a quick snack. If we get enough people (34+) we will do 8 rounds\, and extend the break by another 10 minutes.


If we hit ~30 people I'll run a top 4 cut\, or if the top four players want one.


A Nisei startup prize kit will be dist ributed following normal rules. Additionally all participants will receive a playset of Sure Gambles by Lux. An optional donation can be made here via venm o. But no pressure!