BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:2995alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20210717 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20210718 URL: SUMMARY:The Perfect Mulligan CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:An experimental event of absolutely average Standard format Net runner\, but with a twist!\nAt the start of the game\, once you see your o pponent's ID\, you can search your whole deck to choose the five cards for "\;The Perfect Mulligan"\; - the starting hand you always wanted to have!\nAfter that\, you shuffle the rest of your deck and play as norma l.\nHow to perform "\;The Perfect Mulligan"\; on (tha nks to @SimplyTheOnion for speed-testing this one!):\n\nStart a regular ga me.\nClick your R&\;D / Stack. Click "\;Show"\;. Your whole dec k will be displayed to you only.\nDrag the cards you want to have in your starting hand from your displayed deck into your HQ / Grip. Drag the cards you don't want in your starting hand from your HQ / Grip to your displaye d deck.\nClick "\;Close &\; shuffle"\;.\nWait for your opponent to do the same.\nThe Corp player starts the first turn as normal.\n\nLoca l time for the event can be found here.\n4 rounds of Swiss\, no top cut.\n No prizes\, unless I come up with something before the day.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
An experimental event of absolutely ave rage Standard format Netrunner\, but with a twist!
\nAt the start of the game\, once you see your opponent's ID\, you can search your whole deck to choose the five cards for "\;The Perfect Mulligan&q uot\; - the starting hand you always wanted to have!
\nAfte r that\, you shuffle the rest of your deck and play as normal.
\nHow to perform "\;The Perfect Mulligan"\; on (thanks to @SimplyTheOnion for speed-testing this one!):
\nLocal time for the event can be found here.\n4 rounds of Swiss\, no top cut.
\nNo prizes\, unless I come up with so mething before the day.