BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:2990alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20210618T190000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20210618T235900 URL: ournament SUMMARY:Berlin Casual StartUp (no tournament) CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:This is an online event\, run on the Berlin Discord &\; Jint\nRun in the Shadows of the BerlinCityGrid and try to steal the Cor ps Secret Agendas in this fun &\; social Event for Berlin and Friends. This is meant to be a casual Netrunner Event not for winning\, but for lea rning the game\, meeting new Friends and have a lot of Fun.\nTo repeat thi s: It is not about winning\, this is about fun Netrunner\, please remember this!\nPre-Made-Decks available!\nWe play 3 - 4 rounds of 60 min each\, i t's not important if you win or lose or how many games you play in this ti me. You can build your own decks or we will provide you with decks. You ca n even play only corp or change decks between rounds. We are happy to teac h you the game\, come and join.\nParticipation is 3 EUR (1st event is for free)\nAll participants will get 3x Earthrise Hotel unless you tell otherw ise upfront.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
This is an online event\, run on the Berlin Discord &\;
\nRun in the Shadows of the BerlinCityGr id and try to steal the Corps Secret Agendas in this fun &\; social Eve nt for Berlin and Friends. This is meant to be a casual Netrunner Event no t for winning\, but for learning the game\, meeting new Friends and have a lot of Fun.\nTo repeat this: It is not about winning\, this is about fun Netrunner\, please remember this!
\nPre-Made-Decks available!
\n< p>We play 3 - 4 rounds of 60 min each\, it's not important if you win or l ose or how many games you play in this time. You can build your own decks or we will provide you with decks. You can even play only corp or change d ecks between rounds. We are happy to teach you the game\, come and join. p>\nParticipation is 3 EUR (1st event is for free)\nAll participants wi ll get 3x Earthrise Hotel unless you tell otherwise upfront.