BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:2985alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Pacific/Auckland:20210605T123000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Pacific/Auckland:20210605T235900 URL: 2021 LOCATION:218 Crawford Street\, Dunedin Central\, Dunedin 9016\, New Zealand SUMMARY:Dunedin NISEI Startup GNK 2021 CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Heralding in the newest release for everyone's favourite "\ ;dead game"\;.\nWe have the first NZ event of the year\, where front a nd centre is the hotly anticipated System Gateway/Update and the new Start up format folk the amazing folks over at NISEI Plaza.\nWe're looking to ho st the event at New New New Corporation over Queen's Birthday weekend. It' s going to be a pretty casual event where I'm pretty sure that everyone wi ll end up with some of the prizes from the Startup kit\, but I will also b e opening up my big old box of alt arts and letting everyone choose a play set (from the winner down).\nFor the event structure\, we'll look to be at New New New from 12pm\, and aim to get the first round underway from 12.3 0.\nFor now\, if you or someone you know is keen\, point them here and we can get a better gauge for numbers. From our initial guesses there could b e up to 12 players.\nAlways be running y'all.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
Heralding in the newest release for everyon e's favourite "\;dead game"\;.
\nWe have the first NZ event of the year\, where front and centre is the hotly anticipated System Gatew ay/Update and the new Startup format folk the amazing folks over at NISEI Plaza.
\nWe're looking to host the event at New New New Corporation over Queen's Birthday weekend. It's going to be a pretty casual event wher e I'm pretty sure that everyone will end up with some of the prizes from t he Startup kit\, but I will also be opening up my big old box of alt arts and letting everyone choose a playset (from the winner down).
\nFor the event structure\, we'll look to be at New New New from 12pm\, and aim to get the first round underway from 12.30.
\nFor now\, if you or so meone you know is keen\, point them here and we can get a better gauge for numbers. From our initial guesses there could be up to 12 players.