BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:2967alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=America/Vancouver:20210515T100000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=America/Vancouver:20210515T235900 URL: SUMMARY:hams' Vancouver Online GNK CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:This tournament is open to anyone in the Rain City Netrunner Di scord server\,\n\nHowever\, to be eligible for p rizes\, you must live in British Columbia (I've only got so many prizes to give out!)\nFormat: Standard. Three or four rounds based on attendance\, no top cut\, 70 minute rounds.\nDate: Saturday May 15th 2021\nCheck In Ope ns: 9:30am PST\nFirst round starts: 10am PST\nWhere: in the Rain City Netr unner Discord server. Organization and discussion will be in the #active-e vents channel\, done by me\, going by the name hams on Discord. Voice chan nels are available for players. Games will be played on\nEntr y fee: Free\nPrizes: Starup kit! Top 5 get the full art Runner and Corp do uble sided IDs\, top 10 get the 3x Jailbreaks and Send a Message extended arts.\nTo be eligible for prizes\, you must live in BC.\nNote: if you live in the Vancouver area\, I will hold onto your prize until we can do in pe rson meetups again.\nIf you do not live in the Vancouver area\, prizes wil l have to be mailed out. In that case\, please get in touch with me on Dis cord so I can get your address during the on-the-day check in\, so I can s end prizes to you.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

This tournament is open to anyone in the Ra in City Netrunner Discord server\,\n\nHowever\, to be eligible for prizes\, you must live in British Columbia (I've only g ot so many prizes to give out!)


Format: Standard. Three or four ro unds based on attendance\, no top cut\, 70 minute rounds.


Date: Sa turday May 15th 2021


Check In Opens: 9:30am PST


First roun d starts: 10am PST


Where: in the Rain City Netrunner Discord serve r. Organization and discussion will be in the #active-events channel\, don e by me\, going by the name hams on Discord. Voice channels are available for players. Games will be played on


Entry fee: Free< /p>\n

Prizes: Starup kit! Top 5 get the full art Runner and Corp double sided IDs\, top 10 get the 3x Jailbreaks and Send a Message extended arts.


To be eligible for prizes\, you must live in BC.


Note: if you live in the Vancouver area\, I will hold onto your prize until we can do in person meetups again.


If you do not live in the Vancouver a rea\, prizes will have to be mailed out. In that case\, please get in touc h with me on Discord so I can get your address during the on-the-day check in\, so I can send prizes to you.