BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:296alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20170128 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20170129 URL: SUMMARY:Sweeps Weekly Online Week 3 CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Legal up to Martial Law\nTo join you must have 4 things\n\nChal longe account (required for sign up)\nDiscord account (required to contact judges)\nStimhack Slack Account (required to submit match results)\nJinte Account (required to play)\nDiscord Server Invitation https://disco\n\nAccount Creation for Slack https://stimhackslackinvite.he\n\nStimhack Slack chat channel sages/sweeps-weekly-open/\n\n\nFacebook Page: epsWeeklyOpen/\nPatreon Page:\nEvent Signup pa ge:\nNew Season Point System\n2 points for Each Event completed\nEvery game win/timed is worth 3 points\nEvery game Tie is worth 1 point\n1st place 5 points\n2nd place 3 points\n3rd place 2 points\n4th place 1 points\nYour best 5 Scoring events out of the 10 avail able events will Equal your Total Score for the end of Season Final\nRules : Please Read\n\nMWL 1.1 is in effect for this tournament\nOnly cards from currently released data packs are allowed\nEach round you play your oppon ent as each side Runner/Corp\nEach round will be last no longer then 65 mi nutes\nIf you have a issue with any play please take a screenshot of log a nd contact one of the admins\nThere will be a Briefing in the Jnet Weekly Open Discord at 6pm. This meeting isn't compulsory but if your new to play ing competitive I would seriously consider joining the channel and listen to what the admins have to say before we start the Tournament\nPlease set your Nickname for this Tournament to your username\, this is t o insure that everyone can find there matches quicker\nIf your opponent do esn't show up to the match you must give them 5 minutes to show. if they h aven't show up after the 5 minute Period contact a admin and you will be g iven a Bye for that round\nIf you wish to Drop out during any point of the Event please Inform a Admin and your Next Opponent\nall match results mus t be Submitted to the Stimhack Slack channel #Sweeps-Weekly-Open (Format B ellow)\nRounds Start at 6:10pm GMT\, each round is one after another with no breaks (this is to get the tournament finished as soon as possible)\nPr izes are awarded to top 4 cut dependent on available prize support\n\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Legal up to Martial Law\nTo join yo u must have 4 things


Faceboo k Page: https://www\nPatreon Page:\nEvent Signup page:


New Season Point System


2 points for Each Event complete d\nEvery game win/timed is worth 3 points\nEvery game Tie is worth 1 point \n1st place 5 points\n2nd place 3 points\n3rd place 2 points\n4th place 1 points


Your best 5 Scoring events out of the 10 available events w ill Equal your Total Score for the end of Season Final


Rul es: Please Read