BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:2959alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Stockholm:20210523T100000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/Stockholm:20210523T235900 URL: format SUMMARY:Gothenburg Reb00t - Startup Format CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Hello everyone\, time to jack in and boot up. We're kicking off the new NISEI release with an online tournament. This is mainly for the G othenburg meta\, but anyone can join in.\nWhen the time comes\, there will be additional info.\nFormat:\nThis will be a 'Startup' tournament\, using the limited cardpool of all the released NISEI cards.\nTournament will be swiss format\, depending on numbers of players we will choose the amount of rounds. Likely 3-4.\nThe top two swiss players will play a single final e match\, with the leader choosing sides.\nRegistration:\nAnyone\, anywher e is allowed to register\, but prizes will not be sent by mail\, and must be picked up in Gothenburg.\nFee of 30kr sent to me at 0731588280\, mark t he username you intend to use in the registration.\nThe registration fee i s optional\, and if you want to participate in the prize-lottery.\nRegiste r your deck using NetrunnerDB (optional) and name (mandatory) below.\nLate st Sunday 0945.\nPrizes:\nWill be listed below and depend on # of players. \nThe gothenburg-style casual tournament uses a prize-lottery where the wi nner and 2nd\, 3rd place gets more tickets.\nEach player can only win a si ngle prize and prizes are chosen in order of tickets drawn.\nEveryone payi ng the prize-fee will get two full-bleed Earthrise Hotel.\nLinks:\nhttps:/ / - R egistration &\; Info\n - Discord Server\ncob - Tournament Statistics &\; Pairings\n / - Online game platform\n - F ormat Information\n - Deck-building\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
Hello everyone\, time to jack in and boot u p. We're kicking off the new NISEI release with an online tournament. This is mainly for the Gothenburg meta\, but anyone can join in.\nWhen the tim e comes\, there will be additional info.
\nFormat:\nThis will be a ' Startup' tournament\, using the limited cardpool of all the released NISEI cards.\nTournament will be swiss format\, depending on numbers of players we will choose the amount of rounds. Likely 3-4.\nThe top two swiss playe rs will play a single finale match\, with the leader choosing sides.
\nRegistration:\nAnyone\, anywhere is allowed to register\, but prizes wi ll not be sent by mail\, and must be picked up in Gothenburg.\nFee of 30kr sent to me at 0731588280\, mark the username you intend to use in the reg istration.\nThe registration fee is optional\, and if you want to particip ate in the prize-lottery.\nRegister your deck using NetrunnerDB (optional) and name (mandatory) below.\nLatest Sunday 0945.
\nPrizes:\nWill be listed below and depend on # of players.\nThe gothenburg-style casual tou rnament uses a prize-lottery where the winner and 2nd\, 3rd place gets mor e tickets.\nEach player can only win a single prize and prizes are chosen in order of tickets drawn.\nEveryone paying the prize-fee will get two ful l-bleed Earthrise Hotel.
\nLinks:\n aments/2959/gothenburg-reb00t-startup-format - Registration &\; Info\nh ttps:// - Discord Server\ - Tournament Sta tistics &\; Pairings\n - Online game platform\n - Format Information\nhttps:/ / - Deck-building