BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:2958alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20210508 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20210509 URL: SUMMARY:Tallinn 2020 SC CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:(probably) The last 2020 Store Championship tournament.\nThe Es tonian\, Lithuanian and (possibly) Finnish community are back at it with t he last year's store championship kit. A rarity at this time\, almost vint age.\nWhere? How?\nJnet\, obviously. Players are required to join our offi cial discord server ( which will be used for r egistration and communication during the tournament. The course of the tou rnament will be tracked with the help of In pure Nisei style\, af ter a new pairing\, players on the left open a room on the competitive lob by of Jnet and play corp.\nStructure.\nThe official guidelines for competi tive events are\n\nUp to 9 players: 3 rounds\, no cut\n10-15 players: 4 ro unds\, no cut\n16-24 players: 4 rounds\, top 4\n\nWe'll try to do everythi ng by the book\, although I'd like to have a minimum of 4 rounds. Players will decide during registration. The swiss rounds are played on the 8th. If enough players attend\, the top cut can be played either the same day or the day after. Again\, players will decide: I am the TO of the people\, for the people.\nEntry Fee and Prizes.\nI'll collect a fee to cover the c ost of the kit (66 EU moneys). Shipping prizes to players from other count ries can be arranged at an additional cost to cover postage.\n\nwinner: in vitation to a special Nisei event (if 8+ players attend).\ntop 4: tollboot h playmat\ntop 9: project beale full art playset\ntop 17: house of knives full art playset\nI'll throw in more stuff left from older kits if you man age to impress me.\n\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

(probably) The last 2020 Store Championshi p tournament.


The Estonian\, Lithuanian and (possibly) Finnish co mmunity are back at it with the last year's store championship kit. A rari ty at this time\, almost vintage.


Where? How?


Jnet\, obv iously. Players are required to join our official discord server ( which will be used for registration and comm unication during the tournament. The course of the tournament will be trac ked with the help of In pure Nisei style\, after a new pairing\, players on the left open a room on the competitive lobby of Jnet and play corp.




The official guidelines for competitive events are


We'll try to do everything by the book\, although I'd like to have a minimum of 4 rounds. Players will decide during registration. The swiss rounds are played on the 8th. If enough players attend\, the top cut can be played either the same day or the day after. Again\, players w ill decide: I am the TO of the people\, for the people.


Entry Fee and Prizes.


I'll collect a fee to cover the cost of the kit (66 EU moneys). Shipping prizes to players from other countries can be arrange d at an additional cost to cover postage.