BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:2943alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=America/Vancouver:20210501T110000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=America/Vancouver:20210501T235900 URL: mewelcome-back-edition SUMMARY:Rain City Online GNK: Welcome/Welcome Back Edition CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:With a lot of people very recently getting their System Gateway and System Update 2021\, let’s open this year’s tournaments here with something very casual and welcoming to any friends who are new or returni ng to Netrunner.\nThis online tournament is open to anyone and everyone in the Rain City Netrunner Discord server\n\nForma t: System Gateway + System Update 2021 cards only. No ban list/MWL. Three or four rounds based on attendance\, 70 minute rounds. No top cut.\nDate: Saturday 1st May 2021\nCheck In Opens: 10am PST\nFirst round starts: 11am PST\nWhere: in the Rain City Netrunner Discord server. Organisation and di scussion will be in the #active-events channel. Voice channels are availab le for players. Games will be played on\nEntry fee: $2.50 CAD\ nPrizes: 2021 Q1 GNK. Top 6 get an alt-art DJ Fenris\, top 30 get an alt-a rt Harbinger (extras assigned as available)\nNote: if you live in the Vanc ouver area\, I will hold onto your prize until we can do in person meetups again. If you do not live in the Vancouver area\, prizes will have to be mailed out. Please include your address during the on-the-day check in\, s o I can send prizes to you. Postage will be slightly extra\, depending on if you are inside or outside of Canada.\nIf you wish\, you can forgo the e ntry fee and not be eligible for prizes (there will be an option for this during on-the-day check in).\nRSVP your interest here: gGEpuyQ7e8i5umJ6\nNote there will be a separate form for on the day check in\, which includes payment information and address submission.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
With a lot of people very recently getting their System Gateway and System Update 2021\, let’s open this year’s t ournaments here with something very casual and welcoming to any friends wh o are new or returning to Netrunner.
\nThis online tournament is ope n to anyone and everyone in the Rain City Netrunner Discord server\nhttps: //
\nFormat: System Gateway + System Updat e 2021 cards only. No ban list/MWL. Three or four rounds based on attendance\, 70 minute rounds. No top cut.
\nDate: Saturda y 1st May 2021
\nCheck In Opens: 10am PST
\nFirst round starts : 11am PST
\nWhere: in the Rain City Netrunner Discord server. Organ isation and discussion will be in the #active-events channel. Voice channe ls are available for players. Games will be played on
\nEntry fee: $2.50 CAD
\nPrizes: 2021 Q1 GNK. Top 6 get an alt-art DJ Fenris\, top 30 get an alt-art Harbinger (extras assigned as available)
\nNote: if you live in the Vancouver area\, I will hold onto your priz e until we can do in person meetups again. If you do not live in the Vanco uver area\, prizes will have to be mailed out. Please include your address during the on-the-day check in\, so I can send prizes to you. Postage wil l be slightly extra\, depending on if you are inside or outside of Canada.
\nIf you wish\, you can forgo the entry fee and not be eligible for prizes (there will be an option for this during on-the-day check in).
\nRSVP your interest here:\nNote th ere will be a separate form for on the day check in\, which includes payme nt information and address submission.