BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:2930alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20210410 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20210411 URL: artup-tournament SUMMARY:Thessaloniki 1st Online Startup Tournament CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:System Gateway is here and it's time to play some Netrunner aga in!\nWelcome to the first Startup online tournament of Thessaloniki! This is an event for the Greek Netrunner community\nFORMAT:\nThis is a startup format tournament. For more information check the NISEI site\nlink\nIt wil l consist of 4 rounds of Swiss over the course of 4 weeks with top 3 cut o n week 5.\nPairings and standings will be over\nlink\n-No need for deck lists and you are free to change your decks between rounds.\n-Every week you are going to be paired with an opponent to play a round. You are responsible to organize when to play the match via Both of y ou need to report in the game results (like for example someone posting th e result on fb page and the other responding to it). Please try to organiz e your games ASAP as the pairings are up in order to avoid games not playe d under the time frame.\n-Top 3 cut: The first person on Swiss goes direct to the final round. The 2nd and 3rd place have a single elimination round were the higher seed has the choice of side. The winner goes on the final were the higher seed also has the choice of side.\nREGISTRATION &\; QU ESTIONS\nJust send me a messenger or write on the fb event page.\nCONDUCT\ nFirst of all be polite. This is a relaxed event and a lot of people are n ot familiar with the new format as well as jinteki or online play in gener al. There will be no judge to call during the game. If there is a rules/st ate question solve it between you using NISEI resources and come back to m e after the game to double check it. There is no time limit for the games. \n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

System Gateway is here and it's tim e to play some Netrunner again!\nWelcome to the first Startup onl ine tournament of Thessaloniki! This is an event for the Greek Netrunner c ommunity




This is a startup format tournament. Fo r more information check the NISEI site\nlink\nIt will consist of 4 rounds of Swiss ove r the course of 4 weeks with top 3 cut on week 5.\nPairings and standings will be over\nlink


-No need for deck lists and you are free to change your decks between rounds .\n-Every week you are going to be paired with an opponent to play a round . You are responsible to organize when to play the match via Both of you need to report in the game results (like for example someone p osting the result on fb page and the other responding to it). Please try t o organize your games ASAP as the pairings are up in order to avoid games not played under the time frame.\n-Top 3 cut: The first person on Swiss go es direct to the final round. The 2nd and 3rd place have a single eliminat ion round were the higher seed has the choice of side. The winner goes on the final were the higher seed also has the choice of side.




Just send me a messenger or write on the fb event page.




First of all be polite. This is a relaxed event and a lot of people are not familiar with the new format a s well as jinteki or online play in general. There will be no judge to cal l during the game. If there is a rules/state question solve it between you using NISEI resources and come back to me after the game to double check it. There is no time limit for the games.