BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:2916alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20210412 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20210413 URL: teway-tournament SUMMARY:S.A.G.T. - Swiss Asynchronous Gateway Tournament CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:S. A. G. T. - Swiss Asynchronous Gateway Tournament\nOnline\nFo r the Swiss Netrunner Meta and friends\nOfficial start: 12:00 on Monday\, April 12th.\nFormat: 3-4 Swiss rounds (weeks) depending on attendance numb ers.\n\nFormat\nfor this Tournament will be Startup\, so the legal cardpoo l consists of the two new sets “System Gateway”\, “System Update 202 1”\, and the latest Cycle “Ashes” (“Downfall” and “Uprising” ).\n\nRegistrations are open and close 2 hours before the event begins.\nT he pairings for this event will be posted in the Swiss Discord Channel. Pa irings are also found on\n\nRounds will be played at a rate of 1 p er week\, with pairings posted 12:00 each Monday\, starting April 12th.\nF ind your opponent (on Discord or contact the TO)\nIf you have found your O pponent agree on a date and time and play your games (1 Corp\, 1 Runner). Report your scores (on Discord directly to TO) until the following Monday 10am\n\n\nDecklists\nare required and will be locked in at the beginning o f each round\, but players are able to swap decks entirely between rounds using the decklist resubmission form below. This means you are able to pla y different decks / different ID’s entirely each round\, make minor twea ks but play mostly the same decks\, or play unchanged lists the whole way through the swiss. Submit changes to your decklists before the new pairing s are out\, as it would be unfair to change anything after you know who yo ur opponent is or the ID he is playing.\nRegistration Form\nDecklist chang e between rounds\n\nOther information\nENTRY FEE: 5.-\n\nTwint: 078 646 57 76\nBank Transfer: IBAN CH50 0900 0000 8727 5247 8\n\nThis tournament is open for inexperienced and experienced player alike. It is meant as a casu al event to familiarize yourself with the game\, get to know the new cards and also to get in touch with the community again.\nHere is some informat ion: A website with a lot of useful and well organized Netrunner-related l inks that help you get your bearings and learn what you have missed:\nNear -earth Hub\nI recommend taking a look at the new Nisei Website. If you hav e any questions or need help\, please ask the TO on discord.\nPrizes will be announced later.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
Online\nFor the Swiss Netrunner Meta and friends
\n< p>Official start: 12:00 on Monday\, April 12th.\nFormat: 3-4 Swiss rounds (weeks) depending on attendance numbers.\nfor this Tournament will be Startup\, so the legal cardpool consists of th e two new sets “System Gateway”\, “System Update 2021”\, and the l atest Cycle “Ashes” (“Downfall” and “Uprising”).
\nare required and will be locked in at the beginnin g of each round\, but players are able to swap decks entirely between roun ds using the decklist resubmission form below. This means you are able to play different decks / different ID’s entirely each round\, make minor t weaks but play mostly the same decks\, or play unchanged lists the whole w ay through the swiss. Submit changes to your decklists before the new pair ings are out\, as it would be unfair to change anything after you know who your opponent is or the ID he is playing.
\nRegistration Form\nDecklist change between rounds
\nENTRY FEE: 5.- p>\n
This tournament is open for inex perienced and experienced player alike. It is meant as a casual e vent to familiarize yourself with the game\, get to know the new cards and also to get in touch with the community again.
\nHere is some infor mation: A website with a lot of useful and well organized Netrunner-relate d links that help you get your bearings and learn what you have missed:\n< a href=\"\">Near-earth Hub
\nI reco mmend taking a look at the new Nisei Website. If you have any questions or need help\, please ask the TO on discord.
\nPrizes will be announce d later.