BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:2913alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20210410 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20210411 URL: -decks-available SUMMARY:Startup Tournament - Premade decks Available CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Startup Tournament - New Players Encouraged\nThis tournament wi ll be using Nisei's new Startup format. That means all legal decks must be built out of System Gateway + System Update 21 + Ashes (the most recently released cycle). All decks must follow normal deck construction rules.\nT he start time will be 10 AM PDT\, with a player meeting at 9:45. The entir e tournament should run about 4 hours\, though if you need to drop early t hat is ok.\nThe tournament will be run using a single sided swiss system\, so in every round you will be assigned your opponent and which deck you w ill play. You might have a rematch with that person\, but it will be with the deck you did not play in the previous match.\nRegistration\nPlease reg ister here\nTo register you must have both a runner and corporation deck. Decklists are not required at the time of registration (though ID choices are). If you are looking for ideas\, there are two legal decks for each fa ction at the bottom of this post.\nTournament Policies\nThis event will fo llow all Nisei OP Tournament policies\, most important the code of conduct .\n\nProject NISEl is dedicated to providing a harassment-free experience for everyone\, regardless of belief\, body size\, disability (learning\, m ental\, physical or any other kind)\, gender identity and expression\, hea lth conditions (mental or physical)\, physical appearance\, race\, religio n or sexual orientation. We do not tolerate harassment of participants in any form.\n\nBecause this is a new player focused tournament\, this will b e run as a casual event. That means we strongly encourage you to allow pla yers to give takebacks (exceptions for drawing/accessing cards- both of wh ich reveal new information are reasonable). If you have any questions abou t an interaction please contact a judge. is a very good tool\, but its impementation does not always exactly match the rules\, so if som ething seems unintuitive\, please call a judge! Calling judges when you ha ve questions about a rule\, or what a card does is one of their major purp oses.\nAnother important leg to stand on here is to be respectful of your opponent. We want to make sure the Netrunner community continues to be a w elcoming space. If your opponent is making/made you feel uncomfortable\, p lease reach out to a judge and we will help you resolve the issue.\nBecaus e this is a new player tournament judges will be lenient with slow play ca lls\, but if you do feel your opponent it intentionally slowing down the g ame to gain a benefit\, please do reach out to a judge.\nWhat to do on the day\n\nJoin the Nisei Event Discord. We will be organizing the event in t he online-gnks-1 channel.\n15 minutes before the start of the tournament t here will be an optional player meeting. In that meeting I will re-outline the way the tournament will run\, and then post pairings. During every ro und you are encouraged to go the appropriate "\;table"\; in the Vo ice Channels: Event1 grouping. That way if you and your opponent want to\, you can talk during the game (but this is not required).\nThen the player who will be playing the Corporation will create a game in the Competitive tab. The title name must include Table # where the # is what table you we re assigned. When you make the table make sure "\;Allow Spectators&quo t\; is checked\, and "\;Make players' hidden information visible to sp ectators"\; is not checked.\nWhen you and your opponent are both in\, you are allowed to start the game and take mulligans. But the Corp player cannot click start turn until the TO starts the round. This will be announ ced in the Discord.\nDuring the round you can @Ysengrin (and other volunte er judges) if you had mid-round questions/judge requests. You can also typ e "\;.timer"\; in the channel to see any active timers\nWhen you f inish your game both you and your opponent should report results using thi s form\n\n\nDecklists\nEvery player must bring two legal decks\, one Corpo ration\, one Runner. Submission/claiming decklists is encouraged. If deckb uilding is intimidating (as is often true for a new cardpool) the followin g decklist below can be run as is\, or modified by you. Each one is tourna ment legal\, and can be exported to by selecting Actions >\; Export and then copying and pasting. Or by using' s built in auto-import. To do that import copy the numbers that appear in the url after\nIf you have question s about the tournament or decks you can ping me on the GLC discord by usin g @Ysengrin\nReina Decklist\nRené 'Loup' Arcemont Decklist\nKit decklist\ nTāo Salonga Decklist\nAz McCaffrey Decklist\nZahya Sadeghi Decklist\nHB: Architects of Tomorrow\nHB: Precision Design Decklist\nJinteki: Personal Evolution\nJinteki: Restoring Humanity Decklist\nNear Earth Hub\nNBN: Real ity Plus Decklist\nEarth Station\nWeyland: Built to Last Decklist\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Startup Tournament - New Players Encourage d


This tournament will be using Nisei's new Startup format. That means all legal decks must be built out of System Gateway + System Update 21 + Ashes (the most recently released cycle). All decks must follow normal dec k construction rules.


The start time will be 10 AM PDT\, with a player meeti ng at 9:45. The entire tournament should run about 4 hours\, though if you need to drop early that is ok.


The tournament will be run using a single sided swiss system\, so in every round you will be assigned your o pponent and which deck you will play. You might have a rematch with that p erson\, but it will be with the deck you did not play in the previous matc h.




Please registe r here


To register you must have both a runner and corporation deck. Decklists are not required at the time of registration (though ID c hoices are). If you are looking for ideas\, there are two legal decks for each faction at the bottom of this post.


Tournament Policies


This event will follow all Nisei OP Tournament policies\, most import ant the code of conduct.


Project NISEl is dedicated to providing a harassment-free experience for everyone\, regardless of bel ief\, body size\, disability (learning\, mental\, physical or any other ki nd)\, gender identity and expression\, health conditions (mental or physic al)\, physical appearance\, race\, religion or sexual orientation. We do n ot tolerate harassment of participants in any form.


Because this is a new player focused tournament\, this will be run as a c asual event. That means we strongly encourage you to allow players to give takebacks (exceptions for drawing/accessing cards- both of which reveal n ew information are reasonable). If you have any questions about an interac tion please contact a judge. is a very good tool\, but its imp ementation does not always exactly match the rules\, so if something seems unintuitive\, please call a judge! Calling judges when you have questions about a rule\, or what a card does is one of their major purposes.

\n< p>Another important leg to stand on here is to be respectful of your oppon ent. We want to make sure the Netrunner community continues to be a welcom ing space. If your opponent is making/made you feel uncomfortable\, please reach out to a judge and we will help you resolve the issue.


Beca use this is a new player tournament judges will be lenient with slow play calls\, but if you do feel your opponent it intentionally slowing down the game to gain a benefit\, please do reach out to a judge.


What to do on the day


Dec klists


Every player must bring two legal decks\, one Corporation\ , one Runner. Submission/claiming decklists is encouraged. If deckbuilding is intimidating (as is often true for a new cardpool) the following deckl ist below can be run as is\, or modified by you. Each one is tournament le gal\, and can be exported to by se lecting Actions >\; Export and then copying and pasting. Or by using's built in auto-import. To do that import copy the nu mbers that appear in the url after< /p>\n

If you have questions about the tournament or decks you can ping m e on the GLC discord by using @Ysengrin


Reina Decklist


René ' Loup' Arcemont Decklist


Kit decklist


T āo Salonga Decklist


Az McCaffrey Decklist


Zahya Sadeghi Decklist


HB: Architects of Tomorrow


HB: Precision Design Decklist


Jin teki: Personal Evolution


Jinteki: Restoring Humanity Decklist


Near Earth Hub


NBN: Reality Pl us Decklist


Earth Station


Wey land: Built to Last Decklist