BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:2906alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20210403 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20210404 URL: ent SUMMARY:Early Bird Gateway Tournament CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Early Bird Gateway Tournament\nGetting in the earliest(1) possi ble Gateway in Standard tournament season off with a bang!\nThe event star ts at 10 AM PST at will be 6-8 rounds of single sided swiss (35 minutes ea ch) with a 30 minute break after round 6. Round count will follow Nisei OP suggestions.\nOne goal of this tournament is to get the next round of Pro ject Crow decks up an running\, so we are strongly encouraging people to s hare the decklists after the conclusion of the event. Lostgeek is hoping t o go over them afterwards and begin to help new players transition into st andard.\nRegistration\nYou must join the Nisei Online Event Hub Discord to participate in this event\, but voice chat is not required (though will b e encouraged).\nThere will be a player meeting in #online-gnks-1 15 minute s before the start (so 9:45 PST). Registration will close 5 minutes before the start (9:55 PST).\nPlease fill out this registration form.\nThere is no entry fee (and currently no prize support)\nCard Legality\nThe legality for this tournament will follow the Gateway Standard format\, and using t he 21.04 ban list. Gateway rotates the SanSan Cycle and Honor and Profit b ig box. Salvaged Memories also rotates with Gateway (if that doesn't mean anything to you\, don't worry about it). Additionally System Update 21 rot ates System Core 19.\nRules Notice\nEdit: Rules very kindly put out a docu ment summarizing the rules changes well. The rule changes outlined here wi ll be in effect for this tournament.\nGiven that CR 1.5 is delayed but car ds were tested with a specific run timings that have been posted. The run timings for this event will be the ones outlined in this LtP Run Guide. Th ere are a few changes introduced\, the biggest one in actual play is that there is now a paid ability window before the approach step (after the run ner has committed to accessing the server)\, but no PAW after the approach step. This is particularly relevant for Manegarm Skunkworks.\ may not have the approach window implemented properly. Because this is a casual tournament do the best to recover a gamestate issue that might occu r due to this\, and contact a judge if you have any questions.\nAdditional ly a rules change Nisei implemented was allowing someone to overwrite thei r console with another console. That will be allowed in this tournament.\n Results Reporting\nTo report results please use this form (will be posted/ pinned in the #online-gnks-1 as well)\nSingle Sided Swiss\nThis event will be single sided swiss. The rational for why and how can was written about here. On the day this will function like a regular tournament. Every roun d you will get a pairing\, where you will be assigned both an opponent and a side. Please play only the assigned side. Every round you will be match ed to people close in strength of schedule and in a way to minimize the nu mber of people with uneven sides. Rematches can occur\, but should always be with you playing the opposite decks from your first match.\nA win in si ngle sided swiss is 3 points\, a tie is 1 point\, and a loss is 0 points. If you and your opponent agree to a tie\, please alert a TO within the fir st 5 minutes of the round.\n(1): This tournament has no guarantees of bein g the earliest Gateway in Standard tournament\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Early Bird Gateway Tournament


Get ting in the earliest(1) possible Gateway in Standard tournament season off with a bang!


The event starts at 10 AM PST at will be 6-8 rounds of single sided swiss (35 minutes each) with a 30 minute break after round 6. Round count will follow Nisei OP suggestions.


One goal of this tournamen t is to get the next round of Project Crow decks up an running\, so we are strongly encour aging people to share the decklists after the conclusion of the event. Los tgeek is hoping to go over them afterwards and begin to help new players t ransition into standard.




You must join the Nisei Online Event Hub Discord to participate in t his event\, but voice chat is not required (though will be encouraged).


There will be a player meeting in #online-gnks-1 15 minutes before t he start (so 9:45 PST). Registration will close 5 minutes before the start (9:55 PST).


Please fill out this registration form.


There is no entry fee (and currently no prize support)


Card Legality


The legality f or this tournament will follow the Gateway Standard format\, and using the 21.04 ban list. Gateway r otates the SanSan Cycle and Honor and Profit big box. Salvaged Memories al so rotates with Gateway (if that doesn't mean anything to you\, don't worr y about it). Additionally System Update 21 rotates System Core 19.

\nRules Notice\n

Edit: Rules very kindly put out a documen t summarizing the rules changes well. The rule changes outlined here wil l be in effect for this tournament.


Given that CR 1.5 is delayed b ut cards were tested with a specific run timings that have been posted. Th e run timings for this event will be the ones outlined in this LtP Run Guide. The re are a few changes introduced\, the biggest one in actual play is that t here is now a paid ability window before the approach step (after the runn er has committed to accessing the server)\, but no PAW after the approach step. This is particularly relevant for Manegarm Skunkworks.


Jinte may not have the approach window implemented properly. Because this is a casual tournament do the best to recover a gamestate issue that migh t occur due to this\, and contact a judge if you have any questions.


Additionally a rules change Nisei implemented was allowing someone to o verwrite their console with another console. That will be allowed in this tournament.


Results Reporting


To report results please u se this form (will be posted/pinned in the #online-gnks-1 as well)


Single Sided Swiss\n

This event will be single sided swiss. The rational for why and ho w can was written about here. On the day this will function like a regular tournament. Every round you will get a pairing\, where you will b e assigned both an opponent and a side. Please play only the assigned side . Every round you will be matched to people close in strength of schedule and in a way to minimize the number of people with uneven sides. Rematches can occur\, but should always be with you playing the opposite decks from your first match.


A win in single sided swiss is 3 points\, a tie is 1 point\, and a loss is 0 points. If you and your opponent agree to a tie\, please alert a TO within the first 5 minutes of the round.


( 1): This tournament has no guarantees of being the earliest Gateway in Sta ndard tournament