BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:2898alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20210213 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20210214 URL: -sided-swss SUMMARY:SVMTSS- Salv Mem and Single Sided Swss CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Registration 15:00 UTC\nAnnouncements 15:45 UTC\nTournament Sta rt 16:00 UTC\nI want to test out my Single Sided Swiss algorithm (Article about it here) and get feedback about how it feels. You can register here to let me know you'll be there\, and communicate any questions you have ab out the format. I'd really appreciate at the end of the tournament if you could fill out this form\nBecause I want this to be casual and low commitm ent\, I figured lets make it a Throwback tournament. See explanation below . I don't have any prizes I can mail out\, and there may not be a cut depe nding on the number of players.\nThe event will be hosted on the Nisei Eve nt Discord in the Event 1 Channel and hopefully the online-gnk-1 channel a ssuming nobody else is using it. The event will be 6\, 35 minute\, rounds where you will be assigned a side as well as your opponent.\nFormat: Throw back\nUsing Standard Ban List 20.09 and Salvaged Memories\, with the addit ional bans of Data Leak Reversal\, Blackmail\, Estelle Moon.\nThrowback ha s identical set legality and ban list legality\, with two changes. A playe r may include up to three copies of a single rotated card in each of their decks or play as a rotated identity. Additionally\, Data Leak Reversal\, Blackmail and Estelle Moon have been added to the ban list\, to improve de ck diversity. For example\, a player may play three copies of Desperado in their runner deck\, while using Engineering the Future as their corporati on ID.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
Registration 15:00 UTC\nAnnouncements 15:45 UTC\nTournament Start 16:00 UTC
\nI want to test out my Single Side d Swiss algorithm (Article about it here ) and get feedback about how it feels. You can register here to let me know you'll be there\ , and communicate any questions you have about the format. I'd really appr eciate at the end of the tournament if you could fill out this form
\nBecause I want this to be casual and low commitment\, I figured lets make it a Throwback tourn ament. See explanation below. I don't have any prizes I can mail out\, and there may not be a cut depending on the number of players.
\nThe ev ent will be hosted on the Nisei Event Discord in the Event 1 Channel and hopefully the online-gnk-1 ch annel assuming nobody else is using it. The event will be 6\, 35 minute\, rounds where you will be assigned a side as well as your opponent.
\nFormat: Throwback
\nUsing Standard Ban List 20.09 and Salvaged Memo ries\, with the additional bans of Data Leak Reversal\, Blackmail\, Estell e Moon.
\nThrowback has identical set legality and ban list legality \, with two changes. A player may include up to three copies of a single r otated card in each of their decks or play as a rotated identity. Addition ally\, Data Leak Reversal\, Blackmail and Estelle Moon have been added to the ban list\, to improve deck diversity. For example\, a player may play three copies of Desperado in their runner deck\, while using Engineering t he Future as their corporation ID.