BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:2897alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20210227 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20210228 URL: -salvaged-memories SUMMARY:Online Jnet Tournament - ANZ Salvaged Memories CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:REGISTRATION FORM:\nENTRY F EE: $10 AUD paid to OR Bank transfer\, information available via DMs on Discord or Slack. Please ensure you iden tify yourself in the transfer so I know who is paying.\n\nANZ SalvMem\nReg istrations close 1 hours before the event begins. Late registration may be possible but are discouraged.\nWith the new NISEI products potentially ri ght around the corner\, lets send the Salvaged Memories meta out with a ba ng! (Note: This is not a scoop\, at time of writing I have no clue when Ga teway and Update come out).\nPlayers from all regions are welcome and enco uraged! Just ensure you check your timezones first.\nOfficial start time i s 10am AEDT on Saturday the 27th of February. Check what this is in your p ersonal time zone by using this converter.\nPlanned structure is a swiss i nto top cut\, depending on attendance numbers. The tourney will be run via and Discord\, so make sure to join the official NISEI Online Even t Hub server if you haven't already over at\nPr izes for participation and the players in the top cut are sourced from Ina ctivist and will be shipped out by me once received. Thank you very much L uke! More detailed information regarding prizes to be posted closer to the event date.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

REGISTRATION FORM: 77\nENTRY FEE: $10 AUD paid to< /strong> OR Bank transfer\, information available via DMs on Disco rd or Slack. Please ensure you identify yourself in the transfer so I know who is paying.




ANZ SalvMem


Registrations close 1 hours before the event begins. Late registration may be p ossible but are discouraged.


With the new NISEI products potential ly right around the corner\, lets send the Salvaged Memories meta out with a bang! (Note: This is not a scoop\, at time of writing I have no clu e when Gateway and Update come out).


Players from all regions are welcome and encouraged! Just ensure you check your timezones first.\n

Official start time is 10am AEDT on Saturday the 27th of Fe bruary. Check what this is in your personal time zone by using this converter.


Planned structure is a s wiss into top cut\, depending on attendance numbers. The tourney will be r un via and Discord\, so make sur e to join the official NISEI Online Event Hub server if you haven't alread y over at b


Prizes for participation and the players in the top cut are sourced from Inactivist and will be shipped out by me onc e received. Thank you very much Luke! More detailed information regarding prizes to be posted closer to the event date.