BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:2893alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20210208 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20210209 URL: SUMMARY:GLC Retrunner2 - 1/2 Genesis CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Greetings fellow Netrunners!\nThis is the second round of Retru nner tournaments--a series of tournaments where we play through historical metas! This first tournament will start with the Original Core only\, an d each subsequent tournament will add new cards in release order until we reach Data and Destiny!\nThis will be our second tour across these histori cal metas. Come join us for some old-school fun! And Account Siphons!\nTh e current Retrunner cardpool is:\n\nOriginal Core (x3)\nGenesis cycle (fir st 3 packs\, up to Cyber Exodus)\n\nIf you're planning to participate\, ho p into the server if you haven't yet\, then PM me (Dirjel#7234) your corp ID and runner ID and I'll get you registered! Registration closes Sunday\, February 7!\nHelpful links:\nGLC Discord Server\nRetrunner Card Pool\nABR results from last round\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
Greetings fellow Netrunners!
\nThis i s the second round of Retrunner tournaments--a series of tournaments where we play through historical metas! This first tournament will start with the Original Core only\, and each subsequent tournament will add new cards in release order until we reach Data and Destiny!
\nThis will be ou r second tour across these historical metas. Come join us for some old-sc hool fun! And Account Siphons!
\nThe current Retrunner cardpool is:< /p>\n
\n\nOriginal Core (x3)\nGenesis cycle (first 3 p acks\, up to Cyber Exodus)
If you're plann ing to participate\, hop into the server if you haven't yet\, then PM me ( Dirjel#7234) your corp ID and runner ID and I'll get you registered! Regis tration closes Sunday\, February 7!
\nHelpful links:\nGLC Discord Server\nRetrunner Card Pool\nABR results fr om last round