BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:2892alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20210201 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20210202 URL: onous-tourney SUMMARY:Asynch - Sweeps Week Asynchronous Tourney CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:\nSweeps Week Asynchronous Tournament\nRegistrations are open a nd close 1 hour before the event begins. Late registration may be possible but are discouraged. The pairings for this event will be posted in the #w eekly-meetup-1 channel of the NISEI Online Event Hub server on Discord. Pa irings are found at\nAndroid: Netrunner asynchronous tourname nt open to players from all regions and at all levels of play. Rounds will be played at a rate of 1 per week\, with pairings posted 12:00 GMT each M onday starting February 1st.\nDecklists are required and will be locked in at the beginning of each round\, but players are able to swap decks entir ely between rounds using the decklist resubmission form below. This means you are able to play different decks entirely each round\, make minor twea ks but play mostly the same decks\, or play unchanged lists the whole way through the swiss. Players who make the top cut will be able to choose fro m among any of the decklists they used during the course of the swiss for their top cut list\, but will need to play the same list for the entire du ration of the cut.\nREGISTRATION FORM: \nDECKLIST RESUBMISSION BETWEEN ROUNDS: 7\nENTRY FEE: FREE\nFor inexperienced tourney players\; this e vent should give you a taste of what asynchronous tournaments are like\, a nd expose you to a variety of decks and strategies in the Salvaged Memorie s standard meta.\nFor the experienced\; this event should serve as a good opportunity to try out some lists\, sharpen those plays and run some serve rs.\nOfficial start time is 12:00 GMT on Monday the 1st of February. Check what this is in your personal time zone by using this converter.\nPlanned structure is a swiss into top cut\, depending on attendance numbers. The tourney will be run via and Discord\, so make sure to join the off icial NISEI Online Event Hub server if you haven't already over at https:/ /\nPrizes will only be for first place due to the free n ature of the event\, and have unfortunately not yet been selected.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:



Sweeps Week Asynchronous Tournament


Registrations are open and close 1 hour before the event begins. Late registration may be possible but are discouraged. The pairing s for this event will be posted in the #weekly-meetup-1 channel of the NISEI Online Event Hub server on Discord. Pairings are found at


Android: Netr unner asynchronous tournament open to players from all regions and at all levels of play. Rounds will be played at a rate of 1 per week\, with pairi ngs posted 12:00 GMT each Monday starting February 1st.\n

Decklists are required and will be locked in at the beginning of ea ch round\, but players are able to swap decks entirely between rou nds using the decklist resubmission form below. This means you ar e able to play different decks entirely each round\, make minor tweaks but play mostly the same decks\, or play unchanged lists the whole way throug h the swiss. Players who make the top cut will be able to choose from among any of the decklists they used during the cours e of the swiss for their top cut list\, but will need to play the same list for the entire duration of the cut.




For inexperienced tourney players\; this event sho uld give you a taste of what asynchronous tournaments are like\, and expos e you to a variety of decks and strategies in the Salvaged Memories standa rd meta.\nFor the experienced\; this event should serve as a good opportun ity to try out some lists\, sharpen those plays and run some servers.

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Official start time is 12:00 GMT on Monday the 1st of February . Check what this is in your personal time zone by using this converter.


Planned structure is a swiss i nto top cut\, depending on attendance numbers. The tourney will be run via and Discord\, so make sure to j oin the official NISEI Online Event Hub server if you haven't already over at< /p>\n

Prizes will only be for first place due to the fr ee nature of the event\, and have unfortunately not yet been selected.