BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:2890alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20210206 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20210207 URL: -experience-online-gnk SUMMARY:Dyper Associations Virtual Experience (online GNK) CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:SC's are happeing soon (or will hopefully). A great time to get some games in and hang out with cool poeple (and Rotage). Unfortunatly re adox did well at the most recent UK SC so we need to give 'The Process' gu ys some helpful data for their podcast. If no one has listened/read what they have to say link is below.\n\nI've got a goog le form for people to submit ID's\, this is more to help get the event set up. I'm not going to hold you to the ID if you answer the form early. But between 10:30 and 11 on the day shoot me a message and I'll update your I Ds. We are meeting in the online gnk discord channel and the event will be played in the first lobby.\n\nHopefull y this will all work out fine and we will be ready to start come 11AM GMT\ nThere are going to be 4 rounds. The rounds will be 70 min long to accomod ate for any JNET issues and for my potato internet to let me play games in my own event.\nAs with the last event I'm not going to charge anyone for playing. But would be great if you can make a donation to MSF and send me a screenshot of it so i can add it to the tally of how much we have raised through 2021. In 2020 we raised over £430! Thanks to everyone for their contributions.\n\n mpare/1100_06_Feb_2021_in_London - to help our international friends with the time.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
SC's are happeing soon (or will hopefully). A great time to get some games in and hang out with cool poeple (and Rota ge). Unfortunatly readox did well at the most recent UK SC so we need to g ive 'The Process' guys some helpful data for their podcast. If no one has listened/read what they have to say link is below.
\nI've got a google form for people to submit ID's\, this is more to help get the event set up. I'm not going to hold you to the ID if you answer the form early. But between 10:30 and 11 on the day shoot m e a message and I'll update your IDs. We are meeting in the online gnk dis cord channel and the event will be played in the first lobby.
\nhttp s://
\nHopefully this will all work out f ine and we will be ready to start come 11AM GMT
\nThere are going to be 4 rounds. The rounds will be 70 min long to accomodate for any JNET is sues and for my potato internet to let me play games in my own event.
\ nAs with the last event I'm not going to charge anyone for playing. But would be great if you can make a donation to MSF and send me a screenshot of it so i can add it to the tally of how much we have raised through 202 1. In 2020 we raised over £430! Thanks to everyone for their contribution s.
\n compare/1100_06_Feb_2021_in_London - to help our international friends wit h the time.