BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:2888alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20210131 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20210201 URL: kdown SUMMARY:Lockdown #11 - Oh No! More Lockdown CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Lockdown #11 - Oh No! More Lockdown\nWelcome to the second seas on of Lockdown! Possibly the most locked down format of them all...\nAnyon e and everyone is welcome to sign up\, as long as you can participate in b oth the Swiss rounds (4) and the Top Cut games (double elimination).\nDrop ping out for whatever reason is allowed but will make us all sad. You have been warned.\nRegistration\nActual registration ONLY THROUGH THIS FORM - if you registered via ABR\, you are not automatically included in the eve nt\, sorry! This is due to the specific requirements for player/deck infor mation before the game.\nTechnical requirements\n\na stable internet conne ction\naccess to\naccess to Discord - (voice co mmunications optional but encouraged) - tournament channel is here - join the #lockdown channel and use the #roles channel to assign the Lockdown ro le to your account\n\n\nEvent structure:\n\nPlayer meeting on Discord (aro und 20 minutes before start of Round 1)\n4 Swiss rounds of 65 minutes maxi mum each. Breaks of 5-10 minutes between each round\, as required\, at TO' s discrection.\nX minute break before Top Cut (as agreed with the Top Cut Players)\nTop 4 Cut - double elimination (40 minute per game). Decklists m ight be public\, depending on the joint decision of the Top 4 Cut particip ants. The games in the Final are not timed.\nFinalist stream chat + Q&\ ;A!\n\nID choice &\; deckbuilding restrictions\n\nEach legal Runner and Corp ID has a score attributed to it\, going from -1 (special case) up to 10. The scores are calculated from the ratings provided by members of the Lockdown Council (all Top 4 players from all previous editions).\n\nPlaye rs are allowed to freely pick any Runner and Corp ID to participate with\, as long as the sum of their scores (their "\;ID score"\;) is 10 o r less.\n\nAs an extra incentive to pick less powerful/popular IDs and div ersify the field\, the "\;ID score"\; is considered the primary ti e breaker for Swiss ranking in this format. For example\, if two players b oth are at 12 tournament points after round four of Swiss\, the player wit h an "\;ID score"\; of 4 would be higher ranked than the player wi th a score of 9. In case of a tie\, Strength of Schedule and extended SoS will still determine ranking as per usual. Ah\, one more thing...\n\nEXPE RIMENT TIME! EVEN MORE LOCKDOWN!\nAdditional extra incentives! Both for Ru nner and Corp decks that meet any of the requirements listed below\, you w ill be awarded a tie-breaker modifier. This means that your ID score will be downgraded (= made better in comparison to others) for each of the requ irements your decks meet to make it more competitive:\n\n\nThe deck uses f ewer than the maximum allowed influence points for the ID it has.\nThe dec k includes only incomplete play sets of all cards in it (fewer than 3 copi es of a card in most cases\, fewer than 6 or 1 copy in other cases\, as pe r text on the card).\nThe deck does not include any neutral cards.\n\n\nFo r example\, if both of your decks meet all of the above requirements\, you will be ranked better against players with the same ID score whose decks meet fewer requirements. Will you dare going... MAXIMUM LOCKDOWN?\nOutside of these rules\, the game plays identically to Standard format. Rotation and the latest Ban List are in effect (in this case SBL 20.09).\nQuestion: Does the ID point limit count for using DJ Fenris ?\nAnswer: YES IT DOES - YOU CAN'T dance to DJ FENRIS with another RUNNER that has an illegal/exc essive ID cost.\nRunner ID + Corp ID + Runner ID hosted on DJ Fenris have to have an ID cost equal to or lower than 10\nStreaming\nThere will be str eaming happening\, mainly via Twitch. All explicit requests to be streamed will be considered.\nIf you are not OK with being on the stream with your game(s)\, you will be asked to put "\;DNS"\; at the end of your t able name on during the tournament. All requests to not be str eamed will be honoured.\nIf you want to stream the event\, please coordina te with the TO to avoid crossing the streams (they say it's dangerous). Al so\, consider getting a free listing in the community directory.\nBANNED C ORP CARDS\n\n\nStandard Ban List 20.09\n\n\nAnansi\n\n\nBio Vault\n\n\nBio tic Labor\n\n\nBorder Control\n\n\nCyberdex Sandbox\n\n\nDaily Quest\n\n\n Global Food Initiative\n\n\nHedge Fund\n\n\nJeeves Model Bioroids\n\n\nPro ject Atlas\n\n\nProject Beale\n\n\nProject Vitruvius\n\n\nProject Yagi-Uda \n\n\nRashida Jaheem\n\n\nReconstruction Contract\n\n\nSlot Machine\n\n\nC orp ID cost\n10 points\nAgInfusion: New Miracles for a New World\nAsa Grou p: Security Through Vigilance\nPālanā Foods: Sustainable Growth\nThe Out fit: Family Owned and Operated\nTitan Transnational: Investing In Your Fut ure\n9 points\nArgus Security: Protection Guaranteed\nJinteki: Personal Ev olution\nSportsmetal: Go Big or Go Home\n8 points\nJinteki: Replicating Pe rfection\nNBN: Controlling the Message\n7 points\nBlue Sun: Powering the F uture\nMirrorMorph: Endless Iteration\n6 points\nEarth Station: SEA Headqu arters\nSaraswati Mnemonics: Endless Exploration\n5 points\nChronos Protoc ol: Selective Mind-mapping\nJemison Astronautics: Sacrifice. Audacity. Suc cess.\nSYNC: Everything\, Everywhere\n4 points\nAcme Consulting: The Truth You Need\nGameNET: Where Dreams are Real\nSSO Industries: Fueling Innovat ion\nWeyland Consortium: Builder of Nations\n3 points\nHaarpsichord Studio s: Entertainment Unleashed\nHaas-Bioroid: Architects of Tomorrow\nHyoubu I nstitute: Absolute Clarity\nJinteki Biotech: Life Imagined\nNisei Division : The Next Generation\nTennin Institute: The Secrets Within\nWeyland Conso rtium: Building a Better World\n2 points\nSeidr Laboratories: Destiny Defi ned\nSpark Agency: Worldswide Reach\n1 point\nCybernetics Division: Humani ty Upgraded\nHaas-Bioroid: Stronger Together\nHarishchandra Ent.: Where Yo u're the Star\nHarmony Medtech: Biomedical Pioneer\nNBN: Making News\n0 po ints\nNot this time \;-)\n-1 point\nNew Angeles Sol: Your News\nBANNED RUN NER CARDS\n\n\nStandard Ban List 20.09\n\n\nBoomerang\n\n\nBravado\n\n\nDa ily Casts\n\n\nDiesel\n\n\nDirty Laundry\n\n\nDiversion of Funds\n\n\nEngo lo\n\n\nSelf-modifying Code\n\n\nStargate\n\n\nStimhack\n\n\nStreet Peddle r\n\n\nSure Gamble\n\n\nThe Turning Wheel\n\n\nRunner ID cost\n10 points\n Armand "\;Geist"\; Walker: Tech Lord\nFreedom Khumalo: Crypto-Anar chist\nHayley Kaplan: Universal Scholar\nHoshiko Shiro: Untold Protagonist \nLeela Patel: Trained Pragmatist\nValencia Estevez: The Angel of Cayambe\ n9 points\n419: Amoral Scammer\nAdam: Compulsive Hacker\n8 points\nEle &qu ot\;Smoke"\; Scovak: Cynosure of the Net\nRielle "\;Kit"\; Ped dler: Transhuman\n7 points\nKen "\;Express"\; Tenma: Disappeared C lone\nLat: Ethical Freelancer\nMaxX: Maximum Punk Rock\nSunny Lebeau: Secu rity Specialist\n6 points\nAlice Merchant: Clan Agitator\nEdward Kim: Huma nity's Hammer\n5 points\nOmar Keung: Conspiracy Theorist\n4 points\nAkiko Nisei: Head Case\nKabonesa Wu: Netspace Thrillseeker\nReina Roja: Freedom Fighter\n3 points\nNot this time \;-)\n2 points\nAz McCaffrey: Mechanical Prodigy\nChaos Theory: Wünderkind\nJesminder Sareen: Girl Behind the Curt ain\nLaramy Fisk: Savvy Investor\nNathaniel "\;Gnat"\; Hall: One-o f-a-Kind\n1 point\nGabriel Santiago: Consummate Professional\nIain Stirlin g: Retired Spook\nQuetzal: Free Spirit\n0 points\nApex: Invasive Predator\ nKhan: Savvy Skiptracer\nLos: Data Hijacker\nNero Severn: Information Brok er\nNull: Whistleblower\nSilhouette: Stealth Operative\nThanks to the supp orters and sponsors of the series:\nAkira\nArminFirecracker\nbookkeeper\nC arl H\nCpt_nice\nDunsch97\nFinn B\nFrizzler\nHaway\niref\nJose-san\nLauren t B\nlongi\nmcg\nOdol\npspacekitten\nSteff P\nSynchro\ntheoneakaneo\nTim H \nwillybn1\nzombie\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
Welcome to the second season of Lockdown! Possibly the most locked down format of them all.. .
\nAnyone and everyone is welcome to sign up\, as long as you can participate in both the Swiss rounds (4) and the Top Cut games (double elimination).
\nDropping out for whatever< /em> reason is allowed but will make us all sad. You have been warned.
\nActual registration ONLY THROUGH THIS FORM - if you registered via ABR\, you are not automatically included in the event\, sorry! This is due to the sp ecific requirements for player/deck information before the game.
\nAdditional ext ra incentives! Both for Runner and Corp decks that meet any of the require ments listed below\, you will be awarded a tie-breaker modifier. This mean s that your ID score will be downgraded (= made better in comparison to ot hers) for each of the requirements your decks meet to mak e it more competitive:
\n- The deck uses fewer than the maximum allowed influence points for the ID it has.
\n- The deck includes only incom plete play sets of all cards in it (fewer than 3 copies of a card in most cases\, fewer than 6 or 1 copy in other cases\, as per text on the card).
\n- The deck does not inc lude any neutral cards.
Fo r example\, if both of your decks meet all of the above requirements\, you will be ranked better against players with the same ID score whose decks meet fewer requirements. Will you dare going... MAXIMUM LOCKDOWN?
\nOutside of these rules\, the game plays identically to Standard format. Ro tation and the latest Ban List are in effect (in this case SBL 20.09).
\nQuestion: Does the ID point limit count for using DJ Fenris ?\nAnswer: YES IT DOES - YOU CAN' T dance to DJ FENRIS with another RUNNER that has an illegal/excessive ID cost.\nRunner ID + Corp ID + Runner ID hosted on DJ Fenris have to have an ID cost equal to or lower than 10
\nThere will be streaming happening\, mainly via Twitch. All explicit requests to be streamed will be considered.
\nIf you are not OK with being on the stream wit h your game(s)\, you will be asked to put "\;DNS"\; at the end of your table name on during the tournament. All requests to not be streamed will be honoured.
\nIf you want to stream the event\, pl ease coordinate with the TO to avoid crossing the streams (they say it's d angerous). Also\, consid er getting a free listing in the community directory.
\nAgInfusion: New Miracles for a New World\nAsa Group: Secu rity Through Vigilance\nPālanā Foods: Sustainable Growth\nThe Outfit: Fa mily Owned and Operated\nTitan Transnational: Investing In Your Future
\nArgus Security: Protection Guaranteed\nJinteki: Pe rsonal Evolution\nSportsmetal: Go Big or Go Home
\nBlue Sun: Powering the Future\nMirrorMorph: Endless Itera tion
\nEarth Station: SEA Headquarters\nSaraswati Mnemonics: Endless Exploration
\nChronos Protoco l: Selective Mind-mapping\nJemison Astronautics: Sacrifice. Audacity. Succ ess.\nSYNC: Everything\, Everywhere
\nAcme Consul ting: The Truth You Need\nGameNET: Where Dreams are Real\nSSO Industries: Fueling Innovation\nWeyland Consortium: Builder of Nations
\nHaarpsichord Studios: Entertainment Unleashed\nHaas-Bioroid: A rchitects of Tomorrow\nHyoubu Institute: Absolute Clarity\nJinteki Biotech : Life Imagined\nNisei Division: The Next Generation\nTennin Institute: Th e Secrets Within\nWeyland Consortium: Building a Better World
\nSeidr Laboratories: Destiny Defined\nSpark Agency: Worldswi de Reach
\nCybernetics Division: Humanity Upgraded \nHaas-Bioroid: Stronger Together\nHarishchandra Ent.: Where You're the St ar\nHarmony Medtech: Biomedical Pioneer\nNBN: Making News
\nNot this time \;-)
\nNew Angeles Sol: Your News
\nArmand "\;Geist& quot\; Walker: Tech Lord\nFreedom Khumalo: Crypto-Anarchist\nHayley Kaplan : Universal Scholar\nHoshiko Shiro: Untold Protagonist\nLeela Patel: Train ed Pragmatist\nValencia Estevez: The Angel of Cayambe
\n419: Amoral Scammer\nAdam: Compulsive Hacker
\nEle "\;Smoke"\; Scovak: Cynosure of the Net\nRielle "\;Ki t"\; Peddler: Transhuman
\nKen "\;Express "\; Tenma: Disappeared Clone\nLat: Ethical Freelancer\nMaxX: Maximum P unk Rock\nSunny Lebeau: Security Specialist
\nAli ce Merchant: Clan Agitator\nEdward Kim: Humanity's Hammer
\nOmar Keung: Conspiracy Theorist
\nAkik o Nisei: Head Case\nKabonesa Wu: Netspace Thrillseeker\nReina Roja: Freedo m Fighter
\nNot this time \;-)
\nAz McCaffrey: Mechanical Prodigy\nChaos Theory: Wünderkind\nJesm inder Sareen: Girl Behind the Curtain\nLaramy Fisk: Savvy Investor\nNathan iel "\;Gnat"\; Hall: One-of-a-Kind
\nGabri el Santiago: Consummate Professional\nIain Stirling: Retired Spook\nQuetza l: Free Spirit
\nApex: Invasive Predator\nKhan: S avvy Skiptracer\nLos: Data Hijacker\nNero Severn: Information Broker\nNull : Whistleblower\nSilhouette: Stealth Operative
\nAkira\nArminFirecracker\nbookk eeper\nCarl H\nCpt_nice\nDunsch97\nFinn B\nFrizzler\nHaway\niref\nJose-san \nLaurent B\nlongi\nmcg\nOdol\npspacekitten\nSteff P\nSynchro\ntheoneakane o\nTim H\nwillybn1\nzombie