BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:2886alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20210130 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20210131 URL: SUMMARY:Stay true to your colours CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:\nCome and join us! Get the best of the colour of your faction! \nHello everybody! This is an online tournament for all fans of this aweso me game who do not want to sit idle at home during this cursed COVID situa tion and prefer to hang out (at least online) with other friends. We offe r you this unique one-time only experience! Well\, technically\, I heard t hat such a tournament had already been here before\, but hey\, at least fo r some of us it is the first time.\nWe will be using the current Salvag ed Memories card pool and following the Standard Ban List 20.09.\nThere wi ll also be additional deck-building restrictions:\na)the decks can include only in-faction and neutral cards\nb)each corp and runner ID has five inf luence that may be spent on neutral cards requiring influence\nc)sadly\, m ini-factions are not playable in this format\nd)DJ Fenris is banned\nWHEN\ , WHERE\, HOW?\nRegistration starts at 16:30 CET. Tournament starts at 17: 00 CET.\nRegistration form: here\nPlease register in advance if possible t o help us set up the event on Last- minute\nregistrations will be allowed only to make the number of participants even.\nDiscord channel: #online-gnk2 here\nThere are going to be 4 rounds of swiss and top3. Top3 means two more games\, in the first one the 2nd and 3rd players from swiss compete each other and the winner competes with the 1st from swiss.\nThe rounds will be 70 min long to accommodate for any JNET issues.\nNo entry f ee\, no prices. We play just for fun and to have a great time.\nOnce again \, this tournament is casual and for fun\, we cannot even guarantee a qual ified judge yet. But we are working on this one.\nGood news! The event wil l also be streamed here at Cluster Fox will host the e vent\, alongside PaulyG and hold on to your (top) hats\, we may have some surprise guests. Don't miss it!\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:



Come and join us! Get the bes t of the colour of your faction!


Hello everybody! This i s an online tournament for all fans of this awesome game who do not want t o sit idle at home during this cursed COVID situation and prefer to hang o ut (at least online) with other friends. We offer you this unique one-tim e only experience! Well\, technically\, I heard that such a tournament had already been here before\, but hey\, at least for some of us it is the fi rst time.


We will be using the current Salvaged Memories card p ool and following the Standard Ban List 20.09.\nThere will also be additional deck-building restrictions:\na)the decks can include only in-faction and neutral cards\nb)each corp and runner ID has five infl uence that may be spent on neutral cards requiring influence\nc)sadly\, mi ni-factions are not playable in this format\nd)DJ Fenris is banned


Registration starts at 16:30 CET. Tournamen t starts at 17:00 CET.


Registration form: here


Please register in advance if pos sible to help us set up the event on Last- minute\nregistrations will be allowed only to make the number of participants even.


Disc ord channel: #online-gnk2 here


There are going to be 4 rounds of swiss and top3. Top3 means two more games\, in the first one the 2nd and 3rd players from swiss compete each other and the winner competes with the 1st from swiss.


The ro unds will be 70 min long to accommodate for any JNET issues.


No en try fee\, no prices. We play just for fun and to have a great time.

\n< p>Once again\, this tournament is casual and for fun\, we cannot even guar antee a qualified judge yet. But we are working on this one.


Good news! The event will also be streamed here at Cluster Fox will host the event\, alongside PaulyG and hold on to your (to p) hats\, we may have some surprise guests. Don't miss it!