BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:2878alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20201219 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20201220 URL: -experience-online-gnk SUMMARY:Dyper Associations Virtual Experience (online GNK) CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:"\;Will swiftie scorch you\, will rotage dype you\, join th e fun and find out"\; Rotage trying to encourage people to play in the event.\n(Swistie: i'm not sure this is a selling point of the event mate) \nIf anyone ahs missed the anoucment and come here first\, then there are 18 new cards that are back in the standard format for a limited time. Go t o to find out what they are and thank them for keeping the game going while we wait for more new cards.\n \nI've got a google form for people to submit ID's\, this is more to help get the event set up. I'm not going to hold you to the ID if you answer th e form early. But between 10:30 and 11 on the day shoot me a message and I 'll update your IDs. We are meeting in the online gnk discord channel and the event will be played in the first lobby. See Guy I've written it out t his time.\n\nHopefully this will all wo rk out fine and we will be ready to start come 11AM GMT\nThere are going t o be 4 rounds followed by a cut to top 4. The rounds will be 70 min long t o accomodate for any JNET issues.\nThe winner will be crowned 'The Salvage d Memories Early Birb'. For being the winner of the first event with the n ew cards\nOnce finished playing why not stop by er_dbs? Versus #1 - NBN vs Shaper\, check out the always be running page f or more details on the event.\nAs with the last event I'm not going to cha rge anyone for playing. But would be great if you can make a donation to M SF and send me a screenshot of it so i can add it to the tally of how much we have raised through 2020.\n\nhtt ps://\n on - to help our international friends with the time.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

"\;Will swiftie scorch you\, will rotag e dype you\, join the fun and find out"\; Rotage trying to encourage p eople to play in the event.


(Swistie: i'm not sure this is a selli ng point of the event mate)


If anyone ahs missed the anoucment and come here first\, then there are 18 new cards that are back in the standa rd format for a limited time. Go to to find out what they are an d thank them for keeping the game going while we wait for more new cards.< /p>\n


I've got a google form f or people to submit ID's\, this is more to help get the event set up. I'm not going to hold you to the ID if you answer the form early. But between 10:30 and 11 on the day shoot me a message and I'll update your IDs. We ar e meeting in the online gnk discord channel and the event will be played i n the first lobby. See Guy I've written it out this time.




Hopefully this will all work out fine and we will be ready to start come 11AM GMT


There are going to be 4 rounds followed by a cut to top 4. The rounds will be 70 min long to acc omodate for any JNET issues.\nThe winner will be crowned 'The Salvaged Mem ories Early Birb'. For being the winner of the first event with the new ca rds


Once finished playing why not stop by sper_dbs? Versus #1 - NBN vs Shaper\, check out the always be running page for more details on the event.


As with the last event I'm not goi ng to charge anyone for playing. But would be great if you can make a dona tion to MSF and send me a screenshot of it so i can add it to the tally of how much we have raised through 2020.




\n mpare/1100_25_Apr_2020_in_London - to help our international friends with the time.