BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:2865alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=America/Chicago:20201121T120000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=America/Chicago:20201121T235900 URL: SUMMARY:Janksgiving Cube CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:The time of Janksgiving is coming\, so let's celebrate with Cub e. This time\, we're playing with a cube built by our very own @elfy\, so send them your feedback on the event :D\nCorp Cube\nRunner Cube\nCube Rule s\nThis cube is intended to be drafted with the following rules. Players w ill draft 4\, 14 card packs passing left\, right\, left\, right. This is 5 6 cards per player. In an 8 person draft\, there will be 28 cards left ove r. If possible\, the ids should be seeded 1 each in the first 2 packs of e ach player. Players will construct a 40 card minimum unless they choose &q uot\;The Masque: Cyber General"\; or "\;The Shadow: Pulling the St rings"\; as their id in which case they can build a 35 card deck minim um.\nDeck construction and drafting rules apply to both sides. Corp side s hould be drafted first\, followed by the runner.\n35 to 39 cards requires 16 or 17 agenda points.\n40 to 44 cards requires 18 or 19 agenda points.\n 45 to 49 cards requires 20 or 21 agenda points.\nStarting cards for each s ide:\nThe Shadow: Pulling the Strings\n1x Pad Campaign\n1x Hedge Fund\n∞ x Priority Requisition\nThe Masque: Cyber General\n1x Overmind\n1x Sure Ga mble\nHow do I cube in this event?\n\nRegister for this event\nBe in the A ustin City Grid Discord sometime between when registration starts and the tournament starts.\nIf there are more than 8 players\, we will draft in po ds\, which just means that even groups will be formed\, and those groups w ill both draft concurrently from a separate instance of the cube. However\ , the pods will not be paired separately for their matches.\nThe draft its elf will take place in\, in two sessions - one for Run ner\, then one for Corp. You will need a Meteor account\, but you can sign in with a gmail account. Our goal is to have both sides drafted within tw o hours.\nWhen your pod is finished\, hop back in general voice\, paste/co nstruct your deck in\, and prepare for three Swiss rounds\, pl aying the decks you just built!\nPairings will be managed through Player on the left side of the pairing will Corp first and host the game in the competitive lobby.\n\nOk\, but how do I WIN this event?\nNo one kno ws for sure. Doing the following will help:\n\nTake econ so you don't have to click for credits all game.\nDraft agendas so you don't have to play 6 Priority Requisitions. Have you read that card? Yeesh.\nIce with "\;e nd the run"\; subroutines are pretty good for scoring agendas\, try to pick some up.\nTake icebreakers so that you can break those "\;end th e run"\; subroutines.\nIf you see a lot of cards that go in the same k ind of deck\, maybe you should be building that deck! (example: asset spam \, tagme)\n\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

The time of Janksgiving is coming\, so let' s celebrate with Cube. This time\, we're playing with a cube built by our very own @elfy\, so send them your feedback on the event :D


Corp Cube\n< a href=\"\">Runner Cube


Cube Rules


This cube is intended to be drafted with the following rules. Players will draft 4\, 14 card packs passing left\, right\, left\, right. This is 56 cards per player. In an 8 person draft\, there will be 28 cards left over. If possible\, the ids should be seeded 1 each in the first 2 packs of each player. Players will construct a 40 car d minimum unless they choose "\;The Masque: Cyber General"\; or &q uot\;The Shadow: Pulling the Strings"\; as their id in which case they can build a 35 card deck minimum.


Deck construction and drafting rules apply to both sides. Corp side should be drafted first\, followed by the runner.


35 to 39 cards requires 16 or 17 agenda points.\n40 t o 44 cards requires 18 or 19 agenda points.\n45 to 49 cards requires 20 or 21 agenda points.


Starting cards for each side:


The Shado w: Pulling the Strings\n1x Pad Campaign\n1x Hedge Fund\n∞x Priority Requ isition


The Masque: Cyber General\n1x Overmind\n1x Sure Gamble


How do I cube in this event?


Ok\, but how do I WIN this event?


No o ne knows for sure. Doing the following will help: