BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:2864alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Zurich:20201115T100000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/Zurich:20201115T235900 URL: LOCATION:Rathausgasse 52\, 3011 Bern\, Switzerland SUMMARY:Dragon's Lair Online GNK X.2 CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Dragon's Lair Online GNK X.2\nAll Netrunner players located in Switzerland are welcome\, as are our friends from the “Regional Meta”\ nTimetable\nThere will be X rounds\, no cut\, depending on attendance. Ple ase register vie e-mail: c-moon(at) After registering you receive 1 x Runner and 1x Corp deck ready for play. Format is Netforger\, and the De cks are created via Rules: Standard concerning NISEI Rules. \n\n\nTimetable for 4 rounds (rounds depending on attendance)\nRegistratio n until 9.00 Uhr\, Sunday 15th of November\nPlayer Meeting: 9.45 Uhr - 10. 00 Uhr\nRound 1: 10.00 Uhr - 11.10 Uhr\nRound 2: 11.20 Uhr - 12.30 Uhr\nLu nch break: 12.30 Uhr - 13.30 Uhr\nRound 3: 13.30 Uhr - 14.40 Uhr\nRound 4: 14.50 Uhr - 16.00 Uhr\n\n\nAt the the end there is the possibility to cha t\, talk about the games and playing Codenames or other games\nEntry fee\n Please pay the fee of 10 CHF or Euros in advance via:\n\nTwint: 078 646 57 76\nBank Transfer: IBAN CH50 0900 0000 8727 5247 8\n\nImportant links and information\n\n-->\;\n-->\;Swiss Disord Server\n\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
All Netrunner players located in Switzerland are welcome\, as are our friends from the “Regional Meta”
\nThere will be X r ounds\, no cut\, depending on attendance. Please register vie e-mail: c-mo on(at) After registering you receive 1x Runner and 1x Corp deck rea dy for play. Format is Netforger\, and the Decks are created via anrsealed .com. Rules: Standard concerning NISEI Rules.
\nAt the the end there is the possibility to chat\, talk about the games and playing Codenames or other games
\nPlease pay the fee of 10 CHF or Euros in advance via:
\n\n-->\;\n--&g t\;Swiss Disord Server