BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:2863alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Australia/Melbourne:20201128T113000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Australia/Melbourne:20201128T235900 URL: SUMMARY:AUNZ Online Store Champs CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Android: Netrunner online Store Champs to be played on jinteki. net. One final competitive-level event before the big shake-up of rotation and System Gateway.\nSign-ups close 1 minute before event start.\nREGISTR ATION FORM:\nENTRY FEE: $13 AUD paid t o\nPlayers from all regions are welcome\, but if y ou're outside the AUNZ area and win a playmat there may be additional cost s for shipping (hopefully not\, but we'll see).\nOfficial start time is 11 :30am AEDT on Saturday the 28th of November. Check what this is in your pe rsonal time zone by using this converter.\nPlanned structure is 4 swiss ro unds into a top 4 cut\, but this may vary depending on numbers. The tourne y will be run via and Discord\, so make sure to join the official NISEI Online Event Hub server if you haven't already over at https://disco\nPrizes will be from Nisei's 2020 Store Championship Kit! Ex act distribution will depend on numbers\, but everyone will end up with so me number of House of Knives promos\, with Project Beale's for those who p lace higher\, Tollbooth playmats for the Top 4\, and the elusive Regionals bye for the winner.\nDecklists are not required to be provided ahead of t ime\, so as not to lock you to a list when you register. Participants who make the top cut will be required to provide their decklists prior to the cut commencing.\nThis event will use the Standard cardpool including the c urrent Standard banlist\, locked one week before the event.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
Android: Netrunner online Store Champs to b e played on One final competitive -level event before the big shake-up of rotation and System Gateway.
\nSign-ups close 1 minute before event start.
\nENTRY FEE: $13 AUD paid to p>\n
Players from all regions are welcome\, but if you're outside the AU NZ area and win a playmat there may be additional costs for shipping (hope fully not\, but we'll see).
\nOfficial start time is 11:30am AEDT on Saturday the 28th of November. Check what this is in your personal time z one by using this converter.
\nPlanned s tructure is 4 swiss rounds into a top 4 cut\, but this may vary depending on numbers. The tourney will be run via and Discord\, so make sure to join the official NISEI Online Event Hub server if you haven't already over at
\nPrizes will be from Nisei's 2020 Store Championship Kit! Exac t distribution will depend on numbers\, but everyone will end up with some number of House of Knives promos\, with Project Beale's for those who pla ce higher\, Tollbooth playmats for the Top 4\, and the elusive Regionals b ye for the winner.
\nDecklists are not required to be provided ahead of time\, so as not to lock you to a list when you register. Participants who make the top cut will be required to provide their decklists prior to the cut commencing.
\nThis event will use the Standard cardpool inc luding the current Standard banlist\, locked one week before the event.