BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:2851alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20201018 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20201019 URL: kdown SUMMARY:Lockdown #9 - The Rise of Lockdown CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Lockdown #9 - The Rise of Lockdown\n(Worlds-schmorlds... meh! \ ;-) CONGRATS\, LIMES! SPORTSSSSSSsssssssssssss)\nPLEASE READ THE FULL DESC RIPTION TO SAVE YOURSELF (and the TO) HEADACHES IN THE NEAR FUTURE \;-)\nA nyone and everyone is welcome to sign up\, as long as you can participate in both the Swiss rounds and the Top Cut games.\nREGISTRATION ONLY THROUGH THIS FORM\n(LAST MINUTE REGISTRATION AVAILABLE ONLY IF PLAYERS ARE NEEDED TO MAKE IT AN EVEN NUMBER)\nDropping out for whatever reason is allowed b ut will make us all sad. You have been warned.\nTechnical requirements\n\n a stable internet connection\naccess to\naccess to Discord - d (voice communications optional but encouraged) - tournament channel is here - join the #lockdown channel and use the #roles channel to assign the Lockdown role to your account\n\n\nEvent structure:\n\nPlayer meeting on Discord (around 20 minutes before start of Round 1)\n4 Swiss ro unds of 65 minutes maximum each. Breaks of 5-10 minutes between each round \, as required\, at TO's discrection.\nX minute break before Top Cut (as a greed with the Top Players)\nTop 4 Cut - double elimination (40 minute per game). Decklists might be public\, depending on the joint decision of the Top 4 Cut participants. Final games - not timed.\nFinalist stream chat + Q&\;A!\n\nID choice &\; deckbuilding restrictions\n\nEach legal Runn er and Corp ID has a score attributed to it\, going from -1 (special case) up to 10. The scores are calculated from the ratings provided by members of the Lockdown Council (all Top 4 players from all previous editions).\n\ nPlayers are allowed to freely pick any Runner and Corp ID to participate with\, as long as the sum of their scores (their "\;ID score"\;) i s 10 or less.\n\nAs an extra incentive to pick less powerful/popular IDs a nd diversify the field\, the "\;ID score"\; is considered the prim ary tie breaker for Swiss ranking in this format. For example\, if two pla yers both are at 12 tournament points after round four of Swiss\, the play er with an "\;ID score"\; of 4 would be higher ranked than the pla yer with a score of 9. In case of a tie\, Strength of Schedule and extend ed SoS will still determine ranking as per usual.\nOutside of these rules\ , the game plays identically to Standard format. Rotation and the latest B an List are in effect (in this case SBL 20.06).\n\nQuestion: Does the ID p oint limit count for using DJ Fenris ?\nAnswer: YES IT DOES - YOU CAN'T da nce to DJ FENRIS with another RUNNER that has an illegal/excessive ID cost .\nRunner ID + Corp ID + Runner ID hosted on DJ Fenris have to have an ID cost equal to or lower than 10\nStreaming\nThere will be streaming happeni ng\, mainly via Twitch. All explicit requests to be streamed will be consi dered.\nIf you are not OK with being on the stream with your game(s)\, you will be asked to put "\;DNS"\; at the end of your table name on j during the tournament. All requests to not be streamed will be honoured.\nIf you want to stream the event\, please coordinate with the TO to avoid crossing the streams (they say it's dangerous). Also\, consider getting a free listing in the community directory.\nBANNED CORP CARDS\n\n\ nStandard Ban List 20.09\n\n\nBellona\n\n\nBorder Control\n\n\nCity Works Project\n\n\nCyberdex Sandbox\n\n\nDaily Quest\n\n\nGlobal Food Initiative \n\n\nHard-Hitting News\n\n\nMCA Austerity Policy\n\n\nObokata Protocol\n\ n\nProject Vacheron\n\n\nCorp ID cost\n10 points\n\nTitan Transnational: I nvesting In Your Future\n\n9 points\n\nPālanā Foods: Sustainable Growth\ nNBN: Controlling the Message\nAsa Group: Security Through Vigilance\nArgu s Security: Protection Guaranteed\n\n8 points\n\nThe Outfit: Family Owned and Operated\nSportsmetal: Go Big or Go Home\nJinteki: Replicating Perfect ion\nAgInfusion: New Miracles for a New World\n\n7 points\n\nMirrorMorph: Endless Iteration\nBlue Sun: Powering the Future\n\n6 points\n\nGameNET: W here Dreams are Real\nEarth Station: SEA Headquarters\n\n5 points\n\nWeyla nd Consortium: Building a B\nSSO Industries: Fueling Innovation\nJinteki: Personal Evolution\nJinteki Biotech: Life Imagined\nAcme Consulting: The T ruth You Need\n\n4 points\n\nSaraswati Mnemonics: Endless Exploration\nJem ison Astronautics: Sacrifice. Audacity. Success.\nHaas-Bioroid: Architects of Tomorrow\nChronos Protocol: Selective Mind-mapping\n\n3 points\n\nWeyl and Consortium: Builder of Nations\nSYNC: Everything\, Everywhere\n\n2 poi nts\n\nTennin Institute: The Secrets Within\nSpark Agency: Worldswide Reac h\nSeidr Laboratories: Destiny Defined\n\n1 point\n\nNisei Division: The N ext Generation\nNBN: Making News\nHarmony Medtech: Biomedical Pioneer\nHaa rpsichord Studios: Entertainment Unleashed\n\n0 points\n\nHyoubu Institute : Absolute Clarity\nHarishchandra Ent.: Where You're the St\nHaas-Bioroid: Stronger Together\nCybernetics Division: Humanity Upgraded\n\n-1 point\n\ nNew Angeles Sol: Your News\n\nBANNED RUNNER CARDS\n\n\nStandard Ban List 20.09\n\n\nApocalypse (by popular vote!)\n\nAumakua\n\n\nFalsified Credent ials\n\n\nEngolo\n\n\nKeiko\n\n\nParagon\n\n\nRebirth\n\n\nRezeki\n\n\nSta rgate\n\n\nTapwrm\n\n\nThe Turning Wheel\n\n\nRunner ID cost\n10 points\n\ nArmand "\;Geist"\; Walker: Tech Lord\nHoshiko Shiro: Untold Prota gonist\nLeela Patel: Trained Pragmatist\n\n9 points\n\nHayley Kaplan: Univ ersal Scholar\nValencia Estevez: The Angel of Cayambe\n\n8 points\n\n419: Amoral Scammer\nFreedom Khumalo: Crypto-Anarchist\n\n7 points\n\nKabonesa Wu: Netspace Thrillseeker\nSunny Lebeau: Security Specialist\n\n6 points\n \nAdam: Compulsive Hacker\nAlice Merchant: Clan Agitator\nEdward Kim: Huma nity's Hammer\nEle "\;Smoke"\; Scovak: Cynosure of the Net\nMaxX: Maximum Punk Rock\nOmar Keung: Conspiracy Theorist\n\n5 points\n\nKen &quo t\;Express"\; Tenma: Disappeared Clone\nReina Roja: Freedom Fighter\nR ielle "\;Kit"\; Peddler: Transhuman\n\n4 points\n\nAz McCaffrey: M echanical Prodigy\nLat: Ethical Freelancer\n\n3 points\n\nGabriel Santiago : Consummate Professional\nLos: Data Hijacker\nNull: Whistleblower\nQuetza l: Free Spirit\n\n2 points\n\nAkiko Nisei: Head Case\nJesminder Sareen: Gi rl Behind the Curta\nNathaniel "\;Gnat"\; Hall: One-of-a-Kind\n\n1 point\n\nChaos Theory: Wünderkind\nIain Stirling: Retired Spook\nSilhoue tte: Stealth Operative\n\n0 points\n\nApex: Invasive Predator\nKhan: Savvy Skiptracer\nLaramy Fisk: Savvy Investor\nNero Severn: Information Broker\ n\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Lockdown #9 - The Rise of Lockdown

\n< p>(Worlds-schmorlds... meh! \;-) CONGRATS\, LIMES! SPORTSSSSSSssssssssssss s)




Anyone and everyone is welcome to sign up\, as long as you can participate in both the Swiss rounds and the Top Cut games.






Dropping out for whatever reason is allowed but will make us all sad. You have been warned.


Technical requirement s


Event structure:

  1. Player meeting on Disco rd (around 20 minutes before start of Round 1)
  2. \n
  3. 4 Swiss rounds of 65 minutes maximum each. Breaks of 5-10 minutes between each round\, as r equired\, at TO's discrection.
  4. \n
  5. X minute break before Top Cut (as agreed with the Top Players)
  6. \n
  7. Top 4 Cut - double elimination (40 minute per game). Decklists might be public\, depending on the joint deci sion of the Top 4 Cut participants. Final games - not timed.
  8. \n
  9. Fin alist stream chat + Q&\;A!
  10. \n

ID choice &\; deckbuildi ng restrictions


Question: Does the ID point limit count for using DJ Fenris ?\nAnswer: YES IT DOES - YOU CAN'T dance to DJ FENRIS with another RUNNER that has an il legal/excessive ID cost.\nRunner ID + Corp ID + Runner ID hosted o n DJ Fenris have to have an ID cost equal to or lower than 10




There will be streaming happening\, mainly via Twitch. All explicit reque sts to be streamed will be considered.


If you are not OK with bein g on the stream with your game(s)\, you will be asked to put "\;DNS&qu ot\; at the end of your table name on during the tournament. A ll requests to not be streamed will be honoured.


If you want to st ream the event\, please coordinate with the TO to avoid crossing the strea ms (they say it's dangerous). Also\, consider getting a free listing in the community directory.




Corp ID cost


10 points


9 points\n\n

8 points


7 points


6 points


5 points


4 points


3 points


2 poi nts


1 point


0 p oints


-1 poi nt




Run ner ID cost


10 points


9 points


8 points


7 points


6 points


5 points


4 points


3 points


2 points


1 poin t


0 points