BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:2850alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=America/Los_Angeles:20201009T103000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=America/Los_Angeles:20201011T235900 URL: 020 SUMMARY:NISEI World Championship 2020 CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:!!!THIS EVENT IS ONLINE NOT IN CALIFORNIA!!! Buy tickets here: here\n\nThe World Championship will be occurring entirely online over 9\, 10\, and 11 October 2020. As with the Continental Championships\, play wil l occur via and communication via the Project NISEI Discord se rver. The schedule is below:\nDay 1A: Friday 9 October 2020\nThis is the i deal day for players in North and South America.\nCheck in - 10:30am PDT ( UTC -7) (1:30am Saturday AWST)\nPlayer Meeting - 11:20am\nRound 1- 11:30am \nDay 1B: Saturday 10 October 2020\nThis day’s schedule is better suited for those in Europe and Africa.\nCheck In - 10:30am CEST (UTC +2) (4:30pm AWST)\nPlayer Meeting - 11:20am\nRound 1 - 11:30am\nWe have arranged the time zones for all three days to best suit the majority of attendees. We r ecognize that these times will not be ideal for everyone\, but we encourag e players to prepare for playing in these time zones just as they would fo r an in-person event. Check-in times for both Day 1A and Day 1B are also n oted in AWST to help those in Asia-Pacific decide which day better suits t heir schedule.\nEach day of Swiss will be up to seven 65-minute rounds\, w ith a 45-minute break between rounds 4 and 5. We expect each Swiss to take about 9 hours\, so plan accordingly. Just like previous virtual events\, you will need to check-in via the Project NISEI Discord server before the event begins\, and remember to check this periodically as we will use it f or all official communication over the weekend.\nTickets are on sale now a nd may be purchased at the link above. You will also need to fill out the registration form which will include your decklist. Be aware that once you submit a decklist it cannot be changed\, so please be careful. You may al so indicate your preference for Day 1A or Day 1B (or both). We will do our best to honour everyone’s preference while still maintaining balance in the number of players each day. If you have no preference\, we will assig n you to whichever day has fewer players.\nThe registration form can be fo und here\, but it does not open until 18 September to give players time to adjust to the new Standard banlist. If you are able to purchase your tick et and complete your registration before 6 October\, please do so\, as las t-minute registrations put a strain on our admin team and may lead to conf usion. Don’t worry - we’ll send you a reminder email on or around the 18th containing the link.\nDay 2: Sunday 11 October 2020\nCheck in - 11:00 am UTC\nTiebreaker round - 12pm UTC\nCut starts 12:50pm UTC\nThe final day is the culmination of the event with a single tiebreaker round (if requir ed) followed by a cut to top 16. We estimate any players with 11 or more w ins during Day 1 will qualify for Day 2 and those with 10 wins may qualify for a Tiebreaker round to make the cut. An announcement at the end of Day 1B will clarify who has qualified and those players will also be notified individually.\nAt the conclusion of the double elimination rounds\, NISEI will host a short Prize Ceremony with the top players on the official str eam. There’s a secret prize for Top 4\, and we will announce exactly wha t they have won at this time!\nSide Events\nAlso running all day Sunday ar e side events - Standard\, Core Experience\, Eternal\, and Draft. These ev ents have no scheduled start and end times and will be run on a first-come \, first-serve basis. Side events will not be covered on the official stre am - but we encourage streamers who want to cover these events to reach ou t to us at! Entrance for these events are included in your main event ticket\, and there is no limit to how many you can join . Sign up sheets and further information will be posted in the Project NIS EI Discord on Sunday\, with them firing periodically when enough people sh ow interest.\nAfterparties/Socializing\nMost people agree that the best pa rt of large Netrunner events is the socializing - going out to the restaur ant or the bar with your friends\, or even hanging out back at the hotel. Don’t worry - not all is lost in 2020! Every day at the conclusion of th e main event\, NISEI and others will be hosting virtual afterparties! Some of these will include fun activities like Jackbox party games and Netrunn er trivia via Kahoot. There will be plenty of separate rooms to join based on your preferences. If you are interested in hosting your own virtual ha ppy hour or afterparty or helping with an official one\, please reach out to us at! At the end of each day we’ll provide a list of events that you can join to “see” your friends\, or make new o nes!\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
!!!THIS EVENT IS ONLINE NOT IN CALIFORNIA!! ! Buy tickets here: here
\nThe World Championship w ill be occurring entirely online over 9\, 10\, and 11 October 2020. As wit h the Continental Championships\, play will occur via and comm unication via the Project NISEI Dis cord server. The schedule is below:
\nDay 1A: Friday 9 O ctober 2020\nThis is the ideal day for players in North and South America.\nCheck in - 10:30am PDT (UTC -7) (1:30am Saturday AWST)\nPlayer Meeting - 11:20am\nRound 1- 11:30am
\nDay 1B: Saturday 10 Oc tober 2020\nThis day’s schedule is better suited for those in E urope and Africa.\nCheck In - 10:30am CEST (UTC +2) (4:30pm AWST)\nPlayer Meeting - 11:20am\nRound 1 - 11:30am
\nWe have arranged the time zon es for all three days to best suit the majority of attendees. We recognize that these times will not be ideal for everyone\, but we encourage player s to prepare for playing in these time zones just as they would for an in- person event. Check-in times for both Day 1A and Day 1B are also noted in AWST to help those in Asia-Pacific decide which day better suits their sch edule.
\nEach day of Swiss will be up to seven 65-minute rounds\, wi th a 45-minute break between rounds 4 and 5. We expect each Swiss to take about 9 hours\, so plan accordingly. Just like previous virtual events\, y ou will need to check-in via the Project NISEI Discord server before the e vent begins\, and remember to check this periodically as we will use it fo r all official communication over the weekend.
\nTickets are on sale now and may be purchased at the link above. You will also need to fill ou t the registration form which will include your decklist. Be aware that on ce you submit a decklist it cannot be changed\, so please be careful. You may also indicate your preference for Day 1A or Day 1B (or both). We will do our best to honour everyone’s preference while still maintaining bala nce in the number of players each day. If you have no preference\, we will assign you to whichever day has fewer players.
\nThe registration f orm can be found here\ , but it does not open until 18 September to give players time to adjust t o the new Standard banlist. If you are able to purchase your ticket and co mplete your registration before 6 October\, please do so\, as last-minute registrations put a strain on our admin team and may lead to confusion. Do n’t worry - we’ll send you a reminder email on or around the 18th cont aining the link.
\nDay 2: Sunday 11 October 2020\nC heck in - 11:00am UTC\nTiebreaker round - 12pm UTC\nCut starts 12:50pm UTC
\nThe final day is the culmination of the event with a single tiebr eaker round (if required) followed by a cut to top 16. We estimate any pla yers with 11 or more wins during Day 1 will qualify for Day 2 and those wi th 10 wins may qualify for a Tiebreaker round to make the cut. An announce ment at the end of Day 1B will clarify who has qualified and those players will also be notified individually.
\nAt the conclusion of the doub le elimination rounds\, NISEI will host a short Prize Ceremony with the to p players on the official stream. There’s a secret prize for Top 4\, and we will announce exactly what they have won at this time!
\nSide Events\nAlso running all day Sunday are side events - Stand ard\, Core Experience\, Eternal\, and Draft. These events have no schedule d start and end times and will be run on a first-come\, first-serve basis. Side events will not be covered on the official stream - but we encourage streamers who want to cover these events to reach out to us at projectnis! Entrance for these events are included in your main event ti cket\, and there is no limit to how many you can join. Sign up sheets and further information will be posted in the Project NISEI Discord on Sunday\ , with them firing periodically when enough people show interest.
\nAfterparties/Socializing\nMost people agree that the best part of large Netrunner events is the socializing - going out to the rest aurant or the bar with your friends\, or even hanging out back at the hote l. Don’t worry - not all is lost in 2020! Every day at the conclusion of the main event\, NISEI and others will be hosting virtual afterparties! S ome of these will include fun activities like Jackbox party games and Netr unner trivia via Kahoot. There will be plenty of separate rooms to join ba sed on your preferences. If you are interested in hosting your own virtual happy hour or afterparty or helping with an official one\, please reach o ut to us at! At the end of each day we’ll provide a list of events that you can join to “see” your friends\, or make ne w ones!